


美式发音: [ˈkroʊki] 英式发音: [ˈkrəʊki]



复数:croquets  过去式:croqueted  现在分词:croqueting  



1.槌球(在草地上进行,以木槌击木球穿过一连串的铁圈)a game played on grass in which players use wooden hammers (called mallets ) to knock wooden balls through a series of hoops (= curved wires)


n.1.a game played on grass in which players hit balls through curved pieces of metal called wickets or hoops using long wooden hammers called mallets

1.槌球 car race 赛车 croquet 槌球 diving 跳水 ...

2.门球 马术 Equestrian 门球 Croquet 门球场 Croquet Field ...

3.槌球戏 croppy 剪短发的人 croquet 槌球戏, 循环球戏 单词词性> croquette 法>炸丸子, 炸肉饼 ...

4.槌球游戏 crocodile walk 鳄鱼行 croquet 槌球游戏 croquet ball 槌球 ...

5.木槌球 cpmbing,picnic and 马手套 Croquet 木槌球 Wood-ball equipment 木球球具设备 ...

6.槌球赛抗美国海军军官学校(Naval Academy)的槌球赛Croquet)也正在举行,热闹非凡。

7.草地专门让人打木槌球房子中间有一个小庭院. 外头有一片草地专门让人打木槌球 (Croquet). 另一片小草地是果领. 若不想去旁边的球场打十八洞. 可以 …


1.The first tennis championship in England took place in 1877 sponsored by the All England Croquet Club at a pttle place called Wimbledon.1877年,在全英格兰槌球俱乐部的赞助下,英格兰在小城温布尔登举办了首届网球锦标赛。

2.Spectators watch a match during the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club June 28 in London.观众在观看温布尔登草地网球锦标赛在全英草地网球和槌球俱乐部在伦敦6月28日的比赛。

3.The oldest name for it is closh and the name it had prior to being croquet was pall-mall.这种游戏最早的名字叫做closh,在它演变为croquet(槌球)之前,还曾叫做pall-mall(铁圈球)。

4.The other day I explored why croquet might have been made illegal.我以前研究过为什么槌球游戏曾经可能是非法的。

5.Using a flamingo as a mallet and a hedgehog as a ball , the game of croquet is pretty absurd in Wonderland .用火烈鸟作球杆,用刺猬作球,仙境中的槌球戏显得如此荒谬。

6.A croquet court sat between the compound and a 200-square-foot beach, all within walking distance from town.附近是一个槌球场,还有一片200平方英尺的沙滩,离镇子很近,走着就可以到。

7.The central area of garden is a lush, green, well tendered lawn, large enough to play croquet on in Summer.花园的中心区域是一片繁茂的、柔软的绿色草坪。草坪的面积之大足以供一家人在夏日一起玩槌球。

8.Along the boulevards and highways of Muscat, the medians were as lush as croquet lawns.在马斯喀特,林荫大道和高速公路的绿化带如槌球草坪般郁郁葱葱。

9.A long - handled implement used to strike a ball , as in croquet and polo.球棍一种用于击球的长手柄器具,如在槌球和马球中。

10.If you spent your pfe mastering all languages, you might still suck at engineering, croquet, watercolor, etc.就算你穷尽一生掌握了全部的语言,那么在工程、槌球、水彩等方面也许会很糟。