




1.皇家护卫 Gunspnger( 枪神): Royal Guard( 皇家护卫): Dark Slayer( 暗黑杀手): ...

2.皇家卫士 ... Mechanic 机械师 Royal guard 皇家防御者 Sorcerer 魔术士 ...

6.皇家卫军就连黑帝( Emperor )也按捺不住,连同他的皇家卫军Royal Guard )御驾亲征,势要将追求时尚的星战迷,一一引入黑 …

7.皇家护衞 ... ARACHNOID( 蜘蛛网异形) ROYAL GUARD( 皇家护衞) EGG CHAMBER( 卵室体) ...


1.It was known, however, that this cadre was an epte special operations unit within the Emperor's Royal Guard.但这只是个从未被证实的谣传。事实上,这个组织是一个隶属于皇家禁卫的精锐特种部队。

2.The Queen' s royal guard will sequester him until the day of his trial.女王的忠诚守卫将把他单独囚禁直到审讯。

3.A yeoman of the British monarch's royal guard.英国皇家卫队的卫士

4.The groom wore the white dress uniform of Monaco's Carabinieri royal guard.新郎身着摩纳哥皇家卫队宪兵白色制服。

5.I heard a guard from King David's Royal Guard coming over.我听到一个国王近卫队的卫兵走来。

6.Former captain of the Zenobian Royal Guard.前塞诺比亚皇家警备队的队长。

7.Players want to play Robin Hood, to check that the capture of the village of Robin Hood of the Royal Guard.玩家要扮演侠盗罗宾汉,去阻击那些到村子里捉拿罗宾汉的皇家卫队。

8.Trumpeters from the Royal guard play during the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony at City Hall in Oslo皇家队卫队吹号,诺贝尔和平奖仪式在挪威首都奥斯陆的市政厅举行

9.Training Recruits[When first entering the Royal Guard, one must go through basic training. Capture 10 Dark Lycans and prove your worth! ]训练新兵[当第一次进入皇家卫士,一个人必须经过基本训练。捕捉10黑暗狼证明你的价值!]

10.Shield of the Royal Guard皇家护卫盾牌