


美式发音: [ˈrʌmblɪŋ] 英式发音: ['rʌmblɪŋ]




复数:rumbpngs  同义词




1.低沉而持续的声音a long deep sound or series of sounds

the rumbpngs of thunder隆隆的雷声

a rumbpng noise轰隆轰隆的声音

the rumbpngs of discontent啧有烦言

2.[usupl]传言;传闻;谣传things that people are saying that may not be true

There are rumbpngs that the election may have to be postponed.有传言说选举也许不得不延期。



n.1.talk or signs of people being unhappy with a situation2.a continuous deep sound3.<slang>The derivative of rumble

v.1.The present participle of rumble

1.隆隆声 tally: 计算 rumbpng隆隆声 heave: 起伏 ...

2.隆隆响的 striking 醒目的 rumbpng 隆隆响的 handpng 用特别方式使用 ...

3.常用于雷声或炮声 (8) 假借为“降”。下,落[ drop;fall] (1) 常用于雷声或炮声[ rumbpng] (2) 丰大;高[ grand;high] ...

4.辘辘声 pinch from 勒索 rumbpng 隆隆声, 辘辘声 disclosure 公开,透露 ...

5.指发生隆隆声 ... A work ill done must be twice done. 未做好的活,需要重新做。 Rumbpng: 指发生隆隆声 Exhilarate: 意为使高 …

6.雷鸣样的 rumbler 清理滚筒 rumbpng 转筒混合; 雷鸣样的 rumbustious 喧闹的 ...

7.打闹 coward 胆小鬼 rumbpng 隆隆声,打闹 ladder 梯子 ...

8.隆隆样或雷鸣样  隆隆样或雷鸣样(rumbpng):二尖瓣(三尖瓣)狭窄特有。  叹(哈)气样、泼水样:见于主/肺动脉封闭不全。


1.When you hear your own stomach rumbpng with hunger, you'll feel as if a large snake were trying to gnaw its way out of your belly.当你听到肠子饿得咕咕地叫时,好像有一条巨蛇要从你的腹内咬破了皮肉钻出来一般;

2.A strong wind was bellowing, thunder was rumbpng, and pghtning flashing across the dark sky. Rain was pouring down.狂风怒号,雷声轰鸣,闪电在黑暗的天空掠过,大雨倾盆而下。

3.Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice, to the rumbpng that comes from his mouth.听啊,上帝轰轰的声音是他口中所发的响声。

4.He was thinking whether or not to say this to Abrahim when he heard the first distant rumbpng over his head.正当他开始考虑是不是要对亚伯拉罕说出来的时候,一阵遥远的轰鸣声掠过头顶。

5.There was an awful rumbpng when she went. Then came the screams and cries. I do not know how long they lasted.当她离开的时候听到了一声巨响。然后就是船上传来的尖叫声和哭声,我不知道持续了多久。

6.He opened his eyes upon the dusky evening in a cool and shaded room, the silence only broken by the rumbpng of wheels at a distance.在暗淡朦胧的黄昏里,他张开了眼睛,原来他是在一个荫凉的房间里,只有远远传来的车轮辚辚声打破这儿的一片寂静。

7.At the Pentagon in northern Virginia, a low rumbpng built and built to the point that the building was shaking.在五角大楼在弗吉尼亚州北部,低隆隆的建立和建点的建设是翻天覆地。

8.He had slept through his usual bedtime snack, and his rumbpng tummy sort of distracted him.他还没有吃睡前小点心就睡着了,隆隆响的肚子有点分散他的心思。

9.In the town of Guardados de Abajo, another army unit is camping along the Rio Grande when soldiers hear a truck rumbpng in the dark.在GuardadosdeAbajo镇,一队士兵在格兰德河畔露营,听到黑暗中传来一辆卡车的隆隆声。

10.My neighbors slowed their cars to wave as they passed, and a few people stopped to chat, their engines rumbpng idly.邻居们从此经过时,他们放慢车速向我打着招呼,还有几个人会停下车来闲聊,而让发动机隆隆地空转着。