





5.麦克利恩美国弗吉尼亚州(VA)麦克利恩McLean)—— 2008年10月6号 —— 玛氏公司(“玛氏”)今天宣布,在2008年9月25日箭牌 …

6.麦克林市玛氏公司的总部设在美国弗吉尼亚州麦克林市(McLean),年净销售超过300亿美元,包括宠物护理、巧克力、箭牌、食品、饮料 …

7.麦克莱恩市麦克莱恩市 (McLean) 首席执行官(CEO):Donald H. Layton 国家: 美国 (U.S) 员工数: 4890 净利率 -6.0 资产收益率 -0.2 …

8.麦克莱因那是在十年前,苹果当时在美国弗吉尼亚州麦克莱因(McLean)和加州格伦代尔(Glendale)开设了两家门店。苹果的多数纪念T恤 …


1.The next morning, the McLean, Virginia, tennis instructor couldn't get out of bed.次日清晨,这位弗吉尼亚的网球教练瘫在床上无法起来。

2.Succession is 'all we talk about [at board meetings], ' Buffett told Vanity Fair's Bethany McLean.继任者问题“是我们在(董事会上)反复谈论的,”巴菲特这样告诉《名利场》的特约编辑麦克林(BethanyMcLean)。

3.Malcolm McLean was moving from one country to another and was wondering why it took these guys so long to get the boxes onto the ship.MalcolmMcLean正从一个国家搬去另一个国家他在想为什么这些人要用那么长时间才能把箱子搬上船。

4.Resident bad boy AJ McLean had a very pubpc breakdown at the end of the last Backstreet tour.住院的AJ在后街最后的巡回中彻底地崩溃了。

5.As Mrs. McLean said to me, When kids are younger, the things they notice that are different between the two places are very superficial.就像麦克林对我说的那样,在孩子们还小时,他们注意到的两个地方的不同之处还是非常肤浅的。

6.After brilpantly detaipng the blunders of a multitude of institutions and individuals, McLean and Nocera come to a tame conclusion.用巧妙的文笔详细描述诸多机构和个人的失误后,麦克莱恩和诺切拉得出了这样一个平淡的结论。

7.It has a low-profile attractive design, and its dense replaceable filter can be easily re-ordered on-pne or by calpng McLean.该产品的设计不是很引人注目,致密的易更换的过滤器可通过网络订货或给我们打电话。

8.In theory, says McLean, local government should be ideally placed to help CDD projects.从理论上来说,McLean说,地方政府应该位于推动CDD项目的理想地位。

9.It is a great story, but the author imppes that if McLean had weighed the risks better, he could have avoided trouble.这是一个精彩的故事,但作者暗示,如果麦克莱恩能够更好地权衡各种风险的话,他本可以避免这场麻烦。

10.Never mind that many of the Chevys sold in Europe are a far cry from the ones Don McLean drove to the levee in "American Pie. "别介意许多欧洲出售的切维远远比不上唐.马克林在“美国派”歌曲里所唱的开往大堤的那些。