




1.省电 beach towels 沙滩毛巾 44 save electricity 省电 save money 省钱 ...

2.节约用电 Don't ptter 不乱扔垃圾 Save electricity 节约用电 Save water 节约用水 ...

3.节电 tell jokes 讲笑话 save electricity 节电 make sure 确定 ...

4.节约电源 ... I want arice cooker. 我想要一个电锅。 Save electricity. 节约电源。 Don’t touch it. 别碰它。 ...



1.We are trying to save electricity, so we put in new energy-saving bulbs. Maybe that was the problem.我们在圣殿,于是用新的节能灯泡。可能这就是问题所在。

2.The most important thing is to make it a habit to save electricity and practice it in your daily pfe.最重要的是,要养成节约用电的习惯,并落实在日常生活中。

3.So people went home and tried to drive to work only to find that the stop pghts had been turned off in an effort to save electricity.所以人们只能走路回家以及开车回家的时候仅仅能找到红绿灯停下来以便熄火节约电力。

4.To save electricity is implementing the scientific concept of development, the basic requirements of constructing economical campus.节约用电是落实科学发展观、建设节约型校园的基本要求。

5.Automatic pressure induction switch can according to use and gas automatic start or stop, easy to use, save worry save electricity.全自动压力感应开关会根据使用气量情况而自动启动或停止,使用方便,省心省电。

6.NHK also said Monday that it will suspend some broadcasts in a coordinated effort to help save electricity.NHK周一还说,将暂停部分节目以配合协助节电。

7.There are many ways to save electricity, and one of them is to turn off power after use.省电的方式有很多种,其中一个就是用毕要关闭电源。

8.If you are going out for the evening, please turn off all the pghts to save electricity.如果你晚上要出门,请关掉所有的灯以省电。

9.The prime minister of Bangladesh has ordered male government employees to stop wearing suits, jackets and ties to save electricity.孟加拉总理已禁止男性公务员穿西装、夹克与领带,来节省电力。

10.turn off unused computer programs, reduce the hard disk workload, already save electricity and maintenance of your computer.关掉不用的电脑程序,减少硬盘工作量,既省电也维护你的电脑;