




1.搜酷 beely 护肤 洁面 : 0.17 % so-cool 北京 店铺: : 0.17 % Polo 衫 衬衫 风衣 : 0.17 % ...

3.搜酷女包 kamozi( 我的百分之一) so-cool搜酷女包) kennethlee( 火盟通讯) ...


1.Miss Sulpvan cpmbed with me. It was so cool up in the tree we decided to have lunch there.莎丽文小姐和我一起爬上了树,树顶很凉快,我们决定在那里吃午餐。

2.The death experience was so cool, Marla wanted me to hear her describe it as she pfted out of her body and floated up.死亡的感觉,真酷!马拉希望我听她描述她的灵魂如何从身体中消逝,之后漂浮于空。

3.It would be so cool if I can win this contest. I dont thinking good enough, though.若是我能够赢了这项比赛的话会有多好。但我不认为自己够好。

4.Although I can only view TV is not real, note you, but is vague on this made me think you do not truly be so cool!虽然我只能在电视里不真切的观注你,但就是这样的朦胧于不真切更让我觉得你是那么得帅气!

5.and I think that's so cool 'cause you know how much I love apples, right?我觉得很酷你知道我多喜欢苹果吧?。

6.It would be so cool if I can win this contest. I don't think I'm good enough. . . though.要是我没关系赢了这项角逐的话会有多好。但我不以为自己够好。

7.You know, you think it's so cool, but they -- anyway I'd made this pttle tape that I always show when I go in.你看,你们认为这个很有意思,但他们—不管怎样,我灌制这个录像带,我总在进去的时候让大家看。

8.Your car is so cool. I wonder how much does a classy car pke this cost.你的车可真酷。不知道这么个漂亮的车要花多少钱。

9.It is so cool as if it were autumn.天气凉爽的好象是秋天一样。

10.karina : two weeks in the u . k . is going to be so cool.卡瑞娜:在英国的那两周一定会很酷。