


网络释义:同步码分多址(Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access);同步码分多址技术;大灵通


1.同步码分多址(Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access) ... adam( 亚当) scdma( 付出就有回报) pauls( 我的女神) ...

5.大灵通手机大灵通手机SCDMA) “0”元购机活动活动机型 :信威V35+SCDMA 0元购机;普天V36 优惠购机价58元;普天V39 优惠购机 …


1.TD-SCDMA must take a place in Chinese 3G and it may be run by a strong operator.在中国的3G布局中,TD-SCDMA要占有一席之地,可能会由有实力的运营商来运营。

2.His remarks were seen as a signal that China Telecom would be soon allowed to build a nationwide TD-SCDMA network.他的言论被视为一个信号,表明中国电信可能很快获准建设一个全国性的TD-SCDMA网络。

3.Failure , however, would be a heavy blow to Beijing technology mandarins who have backed TD- SCDMA with state cash and regulatory favour .但如果失败,对支持该标准的北京技术官员将是一个沉重的打击。此项标准不仅得到政府拨款资助,也得到了监管部门的支持。

4.But TD-SCDMA hasn't been used on any other major network in the world.但TD-SCDMA技术尚未在除中国外的全球其它任何一个主要网络上使用过。

5.China Mobile, as the business operator of TD-SCDMA, do all the work of construction and operation of TD-SCDMA to expand network coverage.中国移动作为TD-SCDMA业务的运营者,全力以赴做好TD-SCDMA建设和运营工作,扩大网络覆盖。

6.An executive at one Chinese telecoms company said he was not sure the TD-SCDMA technology was ready for national roll-out.中国一家电信企业的高管表示,他不确定TD-SCDMA技术是否已经可以在全国范围大规模推出。

7.But Mr Caseptz says TD-SCDMA is catching up fast, suggesting that China's standard is subject to its own unique development time.但卡泽力表示,TD-SCDMA正在迅速赶上来,显示中国的标准有自己独特的开发速度。

8.The TD-SCMA contracts promise to be some of the most lucrative in the sector, sparking fierce competition among equipment supppers.TD-SCDMA合同将成为该行业最具吸引力的部分,引发了电信设备供应商之间的激烈竞争。

9.Shi Jixing, vice-chairman of the China Mobile Communications Association, said local operators did not want to adopt the TD-SCDMA standard.中国移动通信联合会(ChinaMobileCommunicationsAssociation)副会长施继兴表示,本土运营商不愿采用TD-SCDMA标准。

10.Mr Wang says that China Mobile has resolved some TD-SCDMA problems relating to the company's 3G network infrastructure.王建宙表示,中国移动已经解决了一些与其3G网络基础设施相关的TD-SCDMA问题。