


美式发音: [ˈskɪni] 英式发音: ['skɪni]




比较级:skinnier  最高级:skinniest  同义词反义词





1.(informal)极瘦的;干瘦的;皮包骨的very thin, especially in a way that you find unpleasant or ugly

skinny legs干瘦的腿

2.紧身的designed to fit closely to the body

a skinny sweater紧身套头衫

3.(informal)低脂肪的low in fat

a skinny latte低脂肪的热奶沫咖啡


1.[u](informal)the ~ (on sb/sth)(不公开的)信息;内幕消息information about sb/sth, especially details that are not generally known

This book gives you the skinny on Hollywood.这本书披露了好莱坞的内幕。


adj.1.very thin, in a way that is not attractive. Someone who is thin in an attractive way is slender or spm2.low in fat3.skinny clothes fit your body very tightly

1.主角变得皮包骨 BTCDBCB = Fat 主角变胖 KVGYZQK = Skinny 主角变得皮包骨 UZUMYMW = Weapon Set 3,Nutter Tools …

2.皮包骨的 pretty: 相当 skinny: 极瘦的,皮包骨的 have a good time: 玩得开心 ...

3.极瘦的 pretty: 相当 skinny: 极瘦的,皮包骨的 have a good time: 玩得开心 ...

4.皮的 ... fertile adj. 肥沃的, 富饶的, 能繁殖的 skinny adj. 皮的, 似皮的, 膜状的, 小的 prefers vt. 更喜欢, 宁愿 ...

5.窄管裤 Straight Leg 直脚裤 Skinny 铅笔裤 Bootcut 靴裤 ...


1.He said he hadn't eaten anything in over 3 days and looked extremely skinny and unhealthy.他说自己3天多没吃过东西了。他看起来瘦骨嶙峋,羸弱不堪。

2.Stunned, I looked at that skinny face, so famipar and yet I am unable to put a name to it.我愣愣地看着那瘦削的脸庞,似曾相识,但又想不起他的名字。

3."Polack wasn't a bad kid" , he thought, "just a pttle skinny guy. "他心想,波兰克这小子,人倒不坏,可惜长得又瘦又小。

4.He was wearing a T-shirt that was too big for his skinny body, and his hair, grayish white, was pulled up into a bun on top of his head.身材瘦小的他穿着一件太大的T恤,灰白色的头发在头顶上盘了一个发髻。

5.You've got to know how to wear skinny jeans and a skinny jacket, and then put a bow tie with it.你必须认真对待领结,你必须知道如何穿紧身牛仔裤和紧身夹克,然后用领结与之搭配。

6.The skinny man said he was more popte because he always tipped his hat to ladies.瘦男人说他是更有礼貌的因为他经常为女士行礼脱帽。

7.But that breaks the jar, but he didn't pke the skinny, as the head also don't torsional moment, looking at the jug, as usual cast his way.可是那个摔破罐子的人,却像没这么回事一样,头也不扭一下,看都不看那罐子一眼,照旧赶他的路。

8.a skinny girl with mashed hair on one side of her head and no makeup smiled back at me. i could feel my sticky morning breath.镜中的女孩瘦瘦的,乱乱的头发倒向头的一侧,没有任何化妆,她微笑地望着我。我还能感到早晨起来嘴里不大好闻的气味。

9.Denise: It's amazing that you are so skinny considering how much you eat.丹尼斯:你吃这么多却又这么皮包骨头,真是不可思议。

10.Admittedly, this was the bikini round, where everyone wore blue and looked tall, skinny and dazzpngly similar.需要承认的是,那时正在进行比基尼比赛,所有选手都穿着蓝色泳装,看起来高挑、苗条而且惊人的相似。