


网络释义:国家经济贸易委员会(State Economic and Trade Commission);国家经贸委;Small Engine Technology Conference


1.国家经济贸易委员会(State Economic and Trade Commission) Robert Burrahm (Southwest Res…


5.国家经贸委员会(the State Economic and Trade Commission)停止为中国市场做出巨大贡献的努力,特别是通过与中国国家经贸委员会SETC)合作举办了一系列教育活动,和中国企业 …


1.Article 4 The Bureau of Industry Injury Investigation under SETC is responsible for the concrete implementation of these Provisions.第四条国家经贸委产业损害调查局负责本规定的具体实施。

2.If this requirement is not met, SETC may request the party to supplement the relevant contents and evidence materials.未表达实质内容的,国家经贸委可以要求其补充相关内容和证据资料。

3.The other two government departments: MOFTEC and State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) are deapng with enterprises combination issues.其他两个政府部门:外经贸部和国家经贸委(国家经贸委)是处理与企业的结合问题。

4.II. The "State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC)" as prescribed in Article 7 shall be modified as the "Ministry of Commerce" .将第七条中的“国家经济贸易委员会(国家经贸委)”修改为“商务部”。

5.Article 28 Industry injury hearings may be held at the request of the interested parties or where SETC deems necessary.第二十八条应利害关系方的请求,或者国家经贸委认为有必要的,可以举行产业损害听证。

6.SETC is in charge of those concerning state-owned enterprises.经贸委是在负责那些关于国有独资企业。

7.Analysis and study on hydropower dam safety behavior is a project of safety production special technique measure issued by SETC.《水电站大坝安全性态分析研究》是国家经贸委安排的安全生产专项技术措施项目。

8.For a midterm review case, SETC shall make a review award.对期中复审案件,国家经贸委应当作出复审裁决。

9.the MOFTEC and the SETC both consider it is not appropriate to continue the countervaipng investigation.外经贸部和国家经贸委共同认为不适宜继续进行反补贴调查的。

10.Whether to grant the extension shall be decided by SETC.是否同意延期,由国家经贸委决定。