


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=sodium graphite reactor)【核】石墨慢化钠冷反应堆

英文单词:特定生长率(specific growth rate);可持续增长率(Sustainable Growth Rate);人马座


abbr.1.【核】(=sodium graphite reactor)石墨慢化钠冷反应堆;钠石墨反应堆

abbr.1.[Nuclear physics](=sodium graphite reactor)

1.特定生长率(specific growth rate) PACV (排气负压)脉冲空气止回阀 SGR 钠石墨反应堆 SFX 特技效果 ...

5.断层泥比率摘要:通过建立断裂带页岩断层泥比率SGR)与断裂侧向所能封闭油柱高度函数关系式的方法,开展了断层侧向封闭能力定量 …


1.These paths reveal that Sgr A* is four million times the mass of the sun, somewhat more massive than had been thought a decade ago.这些路径显示,人马座A星的质量是太阳的四百万倍,比十年前人们想像的略大一些。

2.But the brightness of the SGR bursts was unprecedented, so a new physical mechanism seemed to be required.可是SGR爆炸的亮度是史无前例的,看样子似乎非得引进新的物理机制来解释才行。

3.Even if Congress followed Obama's lead by re-basing the SGR, it still would need to repeal or reform the system through new legislation.即使国会通过了奥巴马总统关于可持续增长率的二次基线提议,还需要通过新的立法对现有体制进行废止和改革。

4.These guys think the small flares are the death throes of planets and asteroids as they fall into Sgr A*.这些人认为那些小的耀斑是行星和小行星跳入SgrA*时的“垂死挣扎”。

5.A fifth candidate SGR has gone off only twice; its precise location is still unknown.第五颗疑似SGR的星体只爆发过两次,精确位置目前还不清楚。

6.But although small, the flare are still up to 100 times brighter than Sgr A*'s background emissions.但是尽管射线很少,耀斑的光却仍能比SgrA*的背景散发物的光亮100多倍。

7.Scientists have previously calculated that Sgr A* should consume only about 1 percent of the fuel carried in the winds.科学家过去曾经计算出SgrA*仅能吃掉这些强风所携带的燃料的1%。

8.Two also lie near very dense clusters of massive young stars, intimating that SGRs tend to form from such stars.其中两颗还与由大质量的年轻恒星所组成的致密星团距离很近,这表示SGR可能是由这类星体所演化而来的。

9.The star, SGR 1806-20, is a magnetar, a type of neutron star that has a powerful magnetic field.这颗SGR1806-20是一颗磁星。磁星是中子星的一种,它具有强大的磁场。

10.A fourth SGR was located in 1998.第四个SGR在1998年被定位。
