


美式发音: 英式发音: 

英文单词:性别决定基因(Sexdetermining Region Y);决定因子;性别基因


na.1.sorry: used in e-mails and text messages

1.性别决定基因(Sexdetermining Region Y)

4.性别决定区基因 6,n00b=newbie= 新人,新手;小嫩手 7,sry= 不好意思; FE For example 举例 ...

6.对不起(Sorry) roll 摇点 sry 对不起 cya 再见 ...

7.性别的最佳候选基因是97、目前公认的决定男性性别的最佳候选基因是SRY)98、诊断神经管缺陷的常规方法是(AFP测定)99、用于胰腺纤维囊 …


1.The existence of SRY and the point mutation may be the cause of the sex reversed deformity.SRY基因的存在及其突变可能是导致性反转畸形发病的原因。

2.sry i cant type chinese on this computer, but i really like the videos, especially the second one ! ! good work man ! !不好意思,我的电脑没法输入中文,但是我真的喜欢这些镜头,特别是第二个!太棒了!

3.Deletions of and inactivating mutations of SRY are among the known causes of XY sex reversal.已知SRY基因的缺失和点突变是造成XY女性性反转的病因之一。

4.In addition, test-tube studies have found that SRY can repress gene transcription, indicating that it operates through interference.此外,试管研究发现,SRY可以抑制基因转录,这表示SRY是透过干扰而产生作用的。

5.At a crucial junction in this process lies a gene called SOX9, which in males is switched on by SRY, causing testis development.在性别演变过程中,一个关键的调节点是被称之为SOX9的基因,男性的SOX9的基因受SRY调控,促进睾丸发育。

6.That's because the male Y chromosome comes equipped with a so-called sex determination gene called SRY.这是因为男性Y染色体自身携带了决定雄性性别的基因片段——SRY基因。

7.One SRY negative case showed the presence of testicular tissue.SRY阴性的一例患者性腺中也发现了睾丸组织。

8.There may be testicular related factors other than the SRY gene.本文的结果启示除SRY基因外可能存在发生睾丸的其它因子。

9.In 3 cases, SRY detection in gonadal tissue correlated with pathological findings but not with blood karyotype.有3例患者SRY基因检测与性腺病理吻合,而与外周血白细胞染色体核型不符。

10.SOX9 is a downstream gene of SRY and plays pivot roles.SOX9可能是SRY的一个下游基因,起着承前启后的作用。
