


网络释义:新鸿基地产(Sun Hung Kai);磁爆步兵;香港新鸿基地产


1.新鸿基地产(Sun Hung Kai) YACNST 尤里建造场 shk 磁爆步兵 engineer 盟军工程师 ...

3.香港新鸿基地产 日本崇光百货( Sogo) 香港新鸿基地产( SHK) 印度塔塔集团( TATA) ...

4.蛇口 华南/东南亚周班航线 SHE、HPU、XIA/SGP/NAG/BKK/LCB/HKG 蛇口 SHK

5.鸿基地产发展有限公司新鸿基地产发展有限公司(SHK)太古股份有限公司 'A'(SWA) 腾讯控股有限公司(TCH) 盈富基金(TRF) 九龙仓集团有限公司(WHL…


1.If I were more positive about HK property prices I would not hesitate to invest with the Kwok's of SHK Properties.如果我对香港房地产价格更乐观一些,我就会毫不犹豫地投资郭氏兄弟的新鸿基地产(SHKProperties)。

2.SHK Business Chinese Advanced Book II shall provide excellent foundation to students, which shall be a start for an excellent course.《SHK商务汉语》初级将为学员打下良好的学习基础,奠定一个良好的学习开端。

3.All teachers are forbidden to take private lessons in the name of SHK teachers or continue to give private lessons after course expiration.不允许以SHK教师名义私自接收学员或课程期满后继续私自授课。

4.All teachers shall obey the teaching arrangement of the SHK head office, and accept the specified standards for course pay and distribution.服从SHK总部的教学安排,接受规定的课酬标准和分配标准。

5.SHK textbooks are divided into student textbooks, student readings, teaching tutorials and teacher training textbooks.教材类别分为学员教材类、学员读物类、教学辅导类和教师培训类四大部分。

6.SHK Business Chinese Proficiency Intermediate Certificate: It belongs to intermediate level Mandarin.SHK商务汉语中级能力证书:属中级汉语进修水平。

7.SHK Business Chinese Proficiency Elementary Certificate: It belongs to elementary level Mandarin.SHK商务汉语初级能力证书:属初级汉语基础水平。

8.The principle is to choose those SHK training organizations which are representative in their own region.原则是在地区范围内有有代表性的SHK培训机构,可有资格设立SHK考点。

9.SHK, which manages more than HK$50bn, courts wealthy mainland investors who can invest outside China using foreign currency.新鸿基金融的资产管理规模逾500亿港元,其目标客户是可以用外汇在海外进行投资的内地富有投资者。

10.To enjoy the rights for continuing Business Chinese course at Confucian Business School's SHK course website.享有在孔子商学院SHK教学网站继续接受商务汉语学习辅导的权利。