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1.新浪(sina网址被屏蔽)简介 - 名称的由来 - 品牌宣言 - 阵...



1.When asked about the message on Sina Weibo, he said he doesn't know Mr. Liu, as "there are more than a thousand employees at China Mobile. "当被问及新浪微博上的这一消息的时候,他表示他不认识刘先生,因为“中国移动的员工太多了”。

2.Sina said the account of the user who spread the report was suspended for one month.新浪表示,传播了此条报道的微博账户将被暂时关闭一个月。

3.Sina Guang found a stone near the vat, and he lifted the stone very high and threw it towards the vat.司马光在缸旁看见一块石头,他高高地举起那块石头朝水缸砸了过去!

4.Sina has spent a considerable amount of time to understand microblog as a form of mass public media instead of a communication tool.新浪曾经花费了相当多的时间去体会作为公共媒体的微博代替即时通信工具。

5.And a good deal of Sina's macro strength in the online world actually comes from its microblog, known as Weibo.新浪在网络世界的巨大能量有很大一部分都来自它的微型博客,被称为“微博”。

6."I failed to control myself in the match, " he said in an apology published on Sina. com.“我在比赛中没能控制住自己”他在新浪网上的道歉说道。

7.Sina Weibo spokesman Mao Taotao said the company had yet to determine the number of infected accounts.新浪微博发言人马涛涛说,公司尚未查明中毒账户的数量。

8.A poll on the micro blog of Sina. com showed that 74 percent of respondents were in favor of the ending which had been leaked.新浪微博的一项调查显示,74%的调查对象喜欢网上流传的结局。

9.And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the desert of mount Sina, an angel in a flame of fire in a bush.过了四十年,在西乃山的旷野里,有一位使者在荆棘丛火焰中显现给他。

10.one microblogger wrote on Sina Weibo, one of the more popular sites, which had hundreds of such postings.一位博友在中国最受欢迎的网站新浪微博上写道。这个网站有数百条这样的帖子。