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英文单词:雪崩光电二极管(Avalanche Photo Diode);动作电位时程(action potential duration);雪崩二极管



1.雪崩光电二极管(Avalanche Photo Diode)以雪崩光电二极管(APD)作为探测元件的微弱信号接收放大技术广泛应用于激光脉冲探测技术中。APD具有量子效率高,响应速 …

2.动作电位时程(action potential duration)流是动作电位时程(APD)改变的主要原因,APD改变促使房颤的维持。

3.雪崩二极管新势力光电供应雪崩二极管(APD),是一种内部增益机制的光电二极管。根据具体应用,可以选择:蓝光增强型、红光增强型、 …

4.动作电位时间2.延长心肌组织动作电位时间(APD):索他洛尔延长 APD的机制是延迟整流性钾通道(Il【r)阻滞所致。索他洛尔 是Ikr的阻断剂,抑 …

5.雪崩光电探测器(Avalanche Photo Detector)0引言雪崩光电探测器(APD)主要应用于高比特的光波传输系统中,相比传统的PIN光电探测器,这种具有内部增益的APD器件是长 …


1.Air Passenger Duty (APD) will increase by up to 55% on some long-haul flights, the company claimed.航空旅客税(APD)的将高达55%的增长对一些长途航线,该公司声称。

2.Conclusion APD is mainly affected by calcium and potassium ions in a time-dependent manner, and these 2 ions play opposite roles.结论动作电位时程主要受钙离子和时间依赖性钾离子的影响,且二者的作用相反。

3.Experiments show that the epitaxial growth structure could be used in the preparation of APD devices.测试结果表明,利用所采用的外延生长结构制备APD器件,具有可行性。

4.Our mission is to deliver optimum innovation services to our clients across the globe.APD公司将不断的为全球的客户提供最优秀的创造性服务。

5.APD technology renders the scanner impervious to magnetic fields while providing excellent PET results.APD技术使得PET扫描不受磁场影响而提供优良的PET结果。

6.Results Cardiomyoctes in rabbit RVOT showed marked dispersion in action potential (AP) repolarization and action potential duration(APD).结果RVOT心肌细胞动作电位表现出复极离散度较RV大。

7.This automatically installs the APD Zend module into your PHP extensions directory.这将自动把APDZend扩展安装到PHP扩展库目录中。

8.APD was relatively less affected by the changes in sodium ion conductance.相比之下,钠电导的变化对动作电位时程的影响较小。

9.In order to ensure the APD's optimum operating in conditions of different temperature, many bias voltage control schemes have been designed.为保证雪崩光电二极管(APD)在温度变化的情况下始终处于最佳工作状态,人们研究了多种偏压控制方案。

10.The method of Single-chip fuzzy control makes the compensation to be real time and intelligent.用单片机模糊控制技术实现了某APD光电探测器偏压补偿的实时化和智能化。