


网络释义:选择性体内放射疗法(Selective Internal Radiation Therapy);迭代重建技术;迭代重建算法


1.选择性体内放射疗法(Selective Internal Radiation Therapy) Sirius 天狼星 SIRT 联立迭代重建技术 sirup 浆 ...


1.The gene is known as Sir-2 in yeast, sir standing for silent information regulator, and its equivalent in mice and humans is called SIRT-1.这个基因在酵母中称为Sir-1,意思是沉默信息调节子,在人类和白鼠中,与其相应的基因称为SIRT-1。

2.SIRT model continues providing clear information from its parametric part; it also keeps the robustness of model as nonparametric models do.半参模型不仅保留了模型中参数部分提供的明确信息,并且半参模型具有类似非参模型的良好稳健性。

3.The improved method is called after smoothing SIRT arithmetic.将这种改进的算法称为平滑SIRT算法。

4.The new experiment, they say, does not prove that resveratrol negated the effects of a high-calorie diet by activating SIRT-1.他们指出,这些实验并没有证明白藜芦醇是通过激活SIRT-1基因来抑制热量的。

5.But today, when there seemed to be no foreign air support in the Sirt Plain, the rebels were forced to retreat.然而今天在西尔特平原,他们似乎没有得到外国空中支援,叛军只好被迫后撤。

6.In sum, SIRT model is more close to actual tests.相比之下,半参数模型更接近于实际考试情形。

7.Here, from the Sirt Plain, come most of the 1. 6 milpon barrels of oil that Libya produces each day.这里属于西尔特平原(SirtPlain),利比亚日产的160万桶原油中,多数是这里产的。

8.Sirtuin is the protein produced by the SIRT-1 gene.Sirtuin蛋白是SIRT-1基因表达的蛋白质。

9.Normally, the pipepnes provide 6. 5 cubic metres of fresh water per day to Tripop, Benghazi, Sirt and other areas.管道每天向的黎波里、班加西和西尔特等地区输送6.5立方米的淡水。