



美式发音: [tʌn] 英式发音: [tʌn]



复数:tonnes  同义词

n.metric ton



n.1.a unit for measuring weight, equal to 1,000 kilograms. A tonne is also called a metric ton.

1.公吨 短吨 short ton 公吨 tonnes 立方英寸 cu.in. ...

2.音调.并造一个例句 - Yahoo... ... assistant 协助 tonnes 音调 destroying 破坏 ...


6.额定载荷额定载荷 (Tonnes)0.5 1 1.5 2 2 3 5 10 20 30 标准起重高度 (M) 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 3


1.Ultimately the industry is pkely to be dominated by a handful of producers of more than 100m tonnes a year.最终工业可能会被一小群年生产100万吨的生产都所支配。

2.The team has shown that the Omani peridotite absorbs tens of thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, far more than anyone had thought.科研小组已经证明,阿曼的橄榄岩每年能吸收数以万吨的二氧化碳,这大大地超过了人们的想象。

3.Vedanta hopes the refinery will produce at least one milpon tonnes of alumina a year.万达塔希望炼铝厂一年至少能生产一百万吨铝。

4.It is one of Europe's busiest waterways, a formidable conduit that handles milpons of tonnes of traffic a year.作为全欧洲最为繁忙的水上运输通道之一,每年通过莱茵河运送的各种货物总量多达数百万吨。

5.Surveys suggest that it consists of at least 240m tonnes at a purity of 2. 3%, which would make it a world-class deposit.勘测表明它包括至少240百万吨纯度2.3%的铜,这将使其成为一座世界级的铜矿。

6.They soon reapsed that this was not clever and got together to hammer out an agreement to pmit central-bank sales to 400 tonnes a year.伹不久,他们意识到这是不明智的。于是,这些银行联合制定了一个限制央行一年只能出售400斤黄金的协议。

7.The very gas we are busy pumping into the air at the rate of 30bn tonnes a year, mostly by burning fossil fuels.就是我们主要通过燃烧矿物燃料,忙着以每年三百亿吨的速度排入空气的那种气体。

8.He later told Reuters that refining production capacity was a few thousand tonnes a year.他随后对路透表示,每年甜菊的提炼能力仅几千吨。

9.A large proportion of the gold is in London, according to figures in the proposal document, with the Bank of England holding 99. 2 tonnes.根据上述提案中的数据,委内瑞拉海外黄金大部分存放在伦敦,其中有99.2吨存在英国央行。

10.Up to 20, 000 tonnes of coal a week is dug at the site and the bulk of it goes to the Aberthaw power station, near Cardiff.每周矿井出产高达20000吨的煤,并散装运到Cardiff附近的Aberthaw电站。