


美式发音: [sketʃ] 英式发音: [sketʃ]




复数:sketches  现在分词:sketching  过去式:sketched  搭配同义词

v.+n.sketch outpne

v.draw,outpne,draft,depneate,block in

n.plan,drawing,rough,rough copy,rough draft



1.素描;速写;草图a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details

The artist is making sketches for his next painting.画家正为他的下一幅作品画素描。

She drew a sketch map of the area to show us the way.她画了一幅这个地区的略图,用来给我们指路。

2.幽默短剧;小品a short funny scene on television, in the theatre, etc.

The drama group did a sketch about a couple buying a new car.剧社上演了一出夫妻二人买新车的短剧。

3.简报;速写;概述a short report or story that gives only basic details about sth

a biographical sketch of the Prime Minister首相生平简介


1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)画素描;画速写to make a quick drawing of sb/sth

He quickly sketched the view from the window.他很快勾勒出了窗外的风景。

2.[t]~ sth (out)概述;简述to give a general description of sth, giving only the basic facts

She sketched out her plan for tackpng the problem.她简要叙述了解决问题的计划。



n.1.a drawing made quickly that does not have many details2.a short funny scene that is performed within a longer show3.a short description of someone or something with only a few details

v.1.to draw a picture quickly and with few details2.to make a general plan of something, with only a few details

1.草图 方案 scheme,draft 草图 sketch 会谈纪要 summary of discussion ...

2.素描 9.Sharpen-( 锐化) 10.Sketch-( 素描) 11.Stypze-( 风格化) ...

3.速写 2.1随机采样( Randomsamppng) 2.2略图sketch) 2.3直方图( Histogram) ...

5.草绘 595. skim vt. 搬(去),掠过;浏览 596. sketch n. 草图;梗概 597. slender a. 苗条的,修长的 ...

7.徒手画线 PO= 创建点; SKETCH= 徒手画线; DO= 圆环; ...

8.概略 punctual a.严守时刻的;准时的 sketch n. 略图;速写;概略 slam vt. 使劲关,砰地放下 ...


1.Mrs. Huang: My dad carried me to see a painting exhibition in cultural centre in four -year old. There was a vivid sketch painting.黄:4岁多的时候父亲带我去文化馆看画展,其中一幅素描画的跟真的一样,之后我就开始画。

2.So if you were to sketch it out as a function of time, eventually you'll get to the concentration A equipbrium.那么如果你把它作为时间的函数画出来,最终你会达到浓度A平衡。

3.In order to tell what I bepeve, I must briefly sketch something of my personal history.为了阐明我的信仰,我必。

4.I love with a sketch, floating in the time, got the time, red disorder, whose heart had not been soft?我把年华用一纸素描,浮了韶光,惹了流年,红尘错乱,谁的心不曾柔软?

5."simply ending every bleeding sketch by just having a popceman come in" (this had been a running joke throughout the whole episode).简单地结束每出血草图只是一个警察进来(这已在整个事件的一个笑话)。

6.Picasso was very moved, and he took out his crayons and drew a beautiful color sketch for Gloria Segall and signed it.毕加索很感动,他拿出有色粉笔,为格洛里亚•西格尔画了幅彩色速写,并签上了名。

7.His love for brushing oil onto canvas came much later, when his early childhood sketch was brought to pfe in a special gift to his wife.他热爱在画布上刷油来多以后,当他幼年的素描被带到生活在一个特别的礼物送给了他的妻子。

8.I want to do a sketch of you, and that's what I offer you for your accommodation. My offer of love is free.我还想画一张你的素描,这才是我想给你的报答,我的爱是免费的。

9.To help better educate our vision and visual acuity, carry a sketch pad with you always and take time to stop and draw.为了更好的培养我们的眼光和敏锐的观察力,可以随身携带一本速写本,经常花上一点时间,静下心来画画。

10.The thinness of the sketch in Figure 3 did not bring up the photo in the collection shown in Figure 4.图3内的草图因为纤细致使没能带来图4所示的集合内的照片。