




1.雪之女王 血战 - Blood Plus 雪之女王 - Snow Queen 雪之少女 - Kanon ...

2.冰雪女王 2.西蒙穆尔 Simon Moore 雪后 Snow Queen ...

4.白雪女王a)和亚洲百合‘普瑞头’(Prato)×麝香百合‘雪皇后’(Snow Queen)组合为研究对象,在蕾期到花开3 d共5个时期,进行盐溶液处理法 …

6.冰雪皇后 ... 27、皇帝的新装 Emperor's New Clothes 28、冰雪皇后 Snow Queen 29、野天鹅 …

7.冰雪妖姬冰雪妖姬 (Snow Queen)X档案第3季 (The X Files Season 3) 超人前传第5季 (Smallville Season 5) 蠢蛋进化论 (Idiocracy) 惊变2…


1.A few months later he was dead. And years later, Andersen turned that sad experience into a fairy tale, The Snow Queen.许多年以后,安徒生将那段痛苦的经历写进了他的童话故事《白雪公主》之中。

2.His father showed his a white, woman-pke figure among the frost patterns. "That is the Snow Queen, " said the shoemaker.他的父亲指给他一个形状有些像女人样子的霜花:“那是白雪公主,”鞋匠说到:“她很快会来找我的。”

3.And years later, Andersen turned that sad experience into a fairy tale, The Snow Queen.多年以后,安徒生把这段伤心的经历写成了一篇童话《白雪公主》。

4.The snow queen, sorrow, autumn scenery and nostalgic feepng lazy, I temporarily in S city hotel. Beth los The source.深冬雪后,风景凄清,懒散和怀旧的心情连接起来,我意暂寓在S城的洛思旅馆了。

5.Mirror: Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow. Queen: Snow White!魔镜:她的嘴唇红如玫瑰,头发黑如乌木,皮肤嫩如白雪。

6.In fact, the apparent holes or depressions in the Snow Queen's otherwise flat surface are located just under the thrusters.事实上,在冰后很平滑的表面上,那道洞穴状的凹陷正好位在喷口的下方。

7.Hyun Bin, Let's work together to make sure [The Snow Queen]'s a success.玄彬!为了《雪的女王》让我们一起努力,一起加油!

8.Still with Snow Queen sugar?还在雪后糖厂工作?

9.I'm going to the fancy dress party as Snow Queen, who are you going as?我要扮成白雪女王去参加化装舞会,你要打扮成谁呢?