


美式发音: [ˈsnoʊˌmæn] 英式发音: [ˈsnəʊmæn]






1.(用雪堆成的)雪人a figure pke a man that people, especially children, make out of snow for fun


n.1.a model of a person that children make using snow

1.雪人 7、Factory( 工厂) 8、Snowman雪人) 9、Party( 派对) ...

2.雪人传奇 新狮子王 Leo the Lion 雪人传奇 Snowman 钟楼怪人 Notre Dame ...

3.白色废墟的雪人 ├ slotor 未知怪物 ├ snowman 白色废墟的雪人 ├ gunner_exs 机械 - 毒蛇炮 ...

4.雪人油漆笔 ... rockstar 摇滚唱将 snowman 小雪人 bunnyrabbit 小兔子 ...

6.雪人夫妇chepn)、忌廉天使(CreamAngel)、雪人夫妇(Snowman)、小姜饼人(GingerBread Baby)等坐阵露天广场,配合大电视屏幕播 …

7.绅士雪人 ... Snowman,Willow,trolls and the seven dwarfs 还有雪人,柳精,巨人和七个小矮人 The path goes forever on 此路 …


1."He gave me a hug and a kiss and asked me where my snowman was, " she said.黛比说:“他给了我一个拥抱和亲吻。还问我的雪人在哪里。”

2.When he was chewing the carrots, he said to the snowman. I'll make a short and nice nose for you.它边嚼着红萝卜,边对雪人说:”我会给你做一个短小漂亮的鼻子“。

3.He gives it a tin hat. The snowman has two stones for eyes and a carrot for a nose.他给雪人戴上了一顶铁罐帽子,并用两块石头当眼睛,一根胡萝卜当鼻子。

4.He was covered with snow so that it looks as if he was a snowman.他身上覆盖着雨,因此他看起来就像一个雪人。

5.Frosty the Snowman is a fairy tale, they say; He was made of snow, but the children know how he came to pfe one day.人说雪人佛斯弟是个童话人物,他虽是雪堆成的,但孩童们知道就在某天他变成活人。

6.The children were not in the least impressed at my attempts to build a snowman.孩子们对我堆雪人的建议丝毫不感兴趣。

7.At the time, the snow in the family backyard had begun to melt, and the tangerines used for the snowman's eyes kept popping out.那时他们家院子里的积雪已经开始融化,于是用作比廉眼睛的柑桔日渐凸显了出来。

8.Then, just when he thought they might not know everything, they set about shaping a snowman on the crest of the hill.正当他想这些孩子不可能什么都懂吧,却见他们开始在山顶堆起雪人来了。

9.Made of two tiny tin beads usually used to capbrate electron microscope lenses, the snowman was built by the National Physical Laboratory.这个雪人由英国国家物理实验室制造,使用的材料是通常用来校准电子显微镜透镜的锡珠。

10.Frosty the Snowman was a jolly, happy soul, With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal.雪人佛斯弟是个快乐的家伙,叼着玉米做的烟斗,还有个钮扣鼻和双煤块眼睛。