



美式发音: [.es ti 'di] 英式发音: [.es tiː 'diː]







n.1.sexually transmitted disease: any disease that you get from having sex with an infected person, for example aids or syphilis

1.性传播疾病抽象类型 • • • • • • 美国空间数据交换标准STDS )对空间对象 的定义是目前最为完整的。


1.Distributing rubber condoms to soldiers to slow or prevent STDs has not always been common practice.然而,给士兵发放胶质安全套这种性病防治手段并不是个一直以来就司空见惯的。

2.If you're concerned about STDs, visit your local clinic, hospital or doctor where you can be tested for anything you might be worried about.如果你担心性病的话,你就应该去看医生,去医院或其他一些可以做化验的地方。

3.Therefore, just because someone's previous girlfriend tested negative for a range of STDs does not mean that that person is not infected.因此,仅仅因为某人的前女友STD测试阴性并不能证明这个人没有感染。

4.If you want to feel more comfortable talking about STDs, make an appointment with your doctor before you talk to your partner.如果你想在谈论性病时感到很轻松,那么在你和你的爱侣谈论之前预约一下你的医生。

5.A condom is a great addition to any female method. It maximizes the pregnancy protection and also protects against STDs.对女性而言安全套是极好的附加物,它最大化地防止受孕和性疾病传播。

6.Considering I research it quite a bit, I guess I didn't know as much about STDs as I thought I did.考虑到我研究了很多,我觉得关于性病这方面我还了解的很少。

7.Freshers at the university are entitled to free contraceptives to help them avoid STDs and unwanted pregnancies during their first year.该校大一新生会得到免费避孕用品,以帮助他们在就读大一时避免传染性传播疾病,或者意外怀孕。

8.Even the risk of those STDs that are transmitted by skin to skin contact can be lowered by using condoms, although not eliminated entirely.对于通过皮肤接触传染的STD,虽然不能完全消除,也可以降低传播的风险。

9.Many STDs are with you for life; once you get them you never get rid of them.很多性病会伴随你一生,一旦你被传染上了你将不可能摆脱它们。

10.Nationally, the most common STDs are the human papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer, chlamydia and genital herpes or trichomoniasis.全国范围内,最常见的性传播疾病是人乳头瘤病毒(可以引起宫颈癌),衣原体和生殖器疱疹或滴虫。
