




1.志园 YASKAWA/ 安川 YG/ 养志园 YHE/ 意和 ...


4.yasaka GALAXYA亚萨卡yasaka GALAXYA(YG)乒乓球底板(兵器里的金箍棒)¥1,180¥659 6评,4问 亚萨卡YASAKA 马林碳YCA底板-直拍(Y…

5.钨钴类硬质合金1.钨钴类硬质合金YG)因其韧性、磨削性能和导热性好,主要用于加工脆性材料,有色金属及非金属。 ( )2.刀具寿命 …


1.Last week, buyers snapped up YG Entertainment's stock like teenagers trying to score tickets to their favorite boy band's show.就在上周,股民就像小孩为了抢他们最喜欢乐队的门票一样,疯狂地抢购YG娱乐的股票。

2.The hysteria around YG Entertainment is just part of a bigger story about South Korea's emerging status as Asia's new pop culture capital.萦绕在YG娱乐身上的癫狂,仅仅是作为亚洲流行文化之都——韩国,以新姿态呈现出来的一部分。

3.Usage and Characters: YG Series is used for paper calendering process, electrical heating or gasoline heating for optional.用途及特点:YG系列用于纸面压光工艺,可采用电加热或煤气加热装置。

4.Yellow-green color shrink tube DRS-YG , yellow-green color from the special processing is made of polyolefin materials.黄绿双色热缩套管DRS-YG由黄绿双色聚烯烃材料经特殊加工制成。

5.YG Entertainment recently addressed the rumors of potential European concerts.YG娱乐公司最近对可能在欧洲举行演唱会的传闻进行了回应。

6.Furthermore, the Yoga Pose will also help realign your spinal column and will aid the lungs to take in more ox yg.此外,这个瑜伽体式也将有助于重新调整你的脊柱,将有助于肺部吸入更多的氧气。

7.Chen Y, Gan YG, Yu S. Analysis on the epidemic status of insect-borne disease in Fuling district of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.陈艳,甘业光,喻珊。三峡库区涪陵段虫媒传染病流行状况分析。

8.YG: Well, my mother's English , so it wasn't such a big decision.永贵:好,我妈妈的英语,所以这是个没有这么大的决定。

9.Zhang YG, Shi YL, Liu H, et al. Seroepidemiological investigation on Q fever of human and livestock in Anhui province.张永根,史永林,刘红,等。安徽省不同地区人群和家畜Q热血清流行病学调查。

10.the last cluster contains GX and YG populations, which genetic coefficient was 0. 750.第三组群包括广西西林和云南广南两个居群,遗传相似系数在0.