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网络释义:道富银行;表面张力过渡(Surface Tension Transfer)



1.道富银行的焊接效率和焊接质量有了很大提高,如林肯公司开发的STT(The Surface Tension Transfer)CO2气保焊电源技术和设备…


1.Working with primates, Giesler and his colleagues studied neurons in the STT that fired after histamine was appped to the skin of a foot.以灵长类动物为实验对象,吉斯勒和他的同事们把组胺作用于其脚上的皮肤,研究STT中被激活的神经细胞。

2.The initial apppcations for the technology are expected to be in mobile apppcations where power efficiency is highly valued.预计STT-MRAM芯片初期的用途将包括对耗电量要求很高的移动设备。

3.That demonstrates that STT nerves react differently to the sensation of a scratch when it happens in response to an existing itch.这表明,STT神经在存在瘙痒的时候对于挠痒的反应是不一样的。

4.Finally using common simulation environment, it sets up a system simulation platform of the droplet short-circuit transition behavior.利用simupnk通用仿真环境建立STT波控法的熔滴短路过渡行为的系统仿真平台。

5.The STT * is mainly used for measuring the sensitivity of bacteria to chemical optochin.主要用于测定细菌对化学*奥普托欣敏感性。

6.STT-RAM is a second-generation MRAM technology that is said to solve some of the problems posed by conventional MRAM structures.通常认为STT-RAM是MRAM技术的第二代技术,这项技术解决了常规MRAM的一些问题。

7.The researchers then injected a pain-producing chemical into the monkeys' legs, which also spurred the firing of STT neurons.研究者之后在腿上注入一个能产生痛觉的化学物质,它也可以激发STT神经元。

8.They injected histamine into the monkeys' lower legs to produce an itch, and the STT neurons fired up.他们在动物的小腿上注射了产生瘙痒感的组胺,然后STT神经就被激发了。

9.The strength of perpendicular STT increases with the increasing bias voltage.随着电压的增大,垂直项作用增强。

10.These neurons are part of a bundle of spinal neurons called the spinothalamic tract, or STT.这些神经细胞是束状脊髓神经的一部分,称为脊髓丘脑系统,或STT。