


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.许嵩(Vae.)伦)克多的玫瑰 (Tizzy Ba)哭了 (杨刚)玫瑰花的葬礼 (Vae)Kiss Goodbye (王力宏)飘雪 (韩雪)为爱而生 (五月天)秋天不回来 (王 …


4.乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 FRA 纤维增强丙烯酸酯 VAE 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 FWA 荧光增白剂 ...

5.可再分散乳胶粉可再分散乳胶粉vae)聚乙烯醇(pva) 聚丙烯抗裂纤维素(3mm、6mm、9mm、12mm) 木质纤维(h1000、h500) 木质 …

6.多余的解释飞蛾、城府、你若成风、有何不可、多余的解释vae)如果我变成回忆你不像她吻的太逼真依然在一起其他类似问题 相关知识 …


1.Vae has said, a song. even a memory one day there was no man to hear of my song, i have one last fans, vae.Vae曾说,一首歌一个回忆。即便某日没有人再听我写的歌,我还有最后一个歌迷,叫Vae。

2.Rapid initiation of CPR and uninterrupted chest compression seem to be effective in case of catastrophic VAE with cardiac arrest occurred.即便发生了心跳骤停,迅速及时的心肺复苏,尤其是不间断胸外按压是可以挽救患者的生命的。

3.real headphones is Vae singing in the pght, I do not know why that is absorbed in such childish and frivolous with a pttle voice.真实耳机里是Vae在浅唱着,不知为何,就是迷上了这种带着些许稚气和轻狂的声音。

4.larva n. pl. lar. vae; The newly hatched, wingless, often wormpke form of many insects before metamorphosis.幼虫许多昆虫在变形前的,刚孵化出来的,没有翅膀的,通常象蛆虫般的形状

5.We are a leading global producer of VAE emulsions and a recognized authority on low VOC technology.塞拉尼斯是全球领先的VAE乳液生产商,也是公认的低VOC技术权威。

6.Good sad melody, good lyrics poignant, Vae's interpretation of the plain with a pttle bit sad, no wonder so many people took his heart.好忧伤的旋律,好凄美的歌词,Vae的演绎,在朴实中带一点点忧伤,怪不得牵走了这么多人的心。

7.No commercial positioning and packing, the team has announced plans and Vae independence. they do is so simple.没有商品化旳定位和包装,没有企宣团队旳策划和炒作,Vae独立旳做自己,就是这样简单。

8.In these three years, Vae changed from a music player to a professional popular musician.这三年,嵩哥从一个网络歌手成为一名专业的流行音乐人。

9.TEE, precordial doppler and ETCO2 monitoring can be used to detect VAE.经食道超声,心前多普勒,潮末二氧化碳监测,可以用于检测到VAE。

10.No commercial packaging, nor planning and promoting, without a team backing him, Vae is just being himself, simple as that.没有商品化的定位和包装,没有企宣团队的策划和炒作,Vae独立的做自己,就是这样简单。