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网络释义:苏尔;表面非相关回归(Seemingly Unrelated Regression);瑟



1.苏尔 Suez 苏伊士 埃及 红海 537 Sur 苏尔 黎巴嫩 地中海 538 Surabaya 泗水 印尼 东南亚 539 ...

2.表面非相关回归(Seemingly Unrelated Regression) Ohm ?姆 Sur Cham 查姆 ...

4.超过 (norm 标准) (sur 超过,通过) (bund 边际,边界) ...


6.苏里南(Suriname) 圣多美和普林西比/ STp 苏里南/ SUR 斯洛伐克/ SVK ...


1.It will be remembered that he had carried off the candlesticks when he made his escape from Montreuil- sur -Mer.我们还记得,当他从滨海蒙特勒伊逃跑时,他是带着这一对烛台的。

2.He was staying in Auvers-sur-Oise, not far from Paris where Theo pved with his wife and child.梵高当时待在Auvers-sur-Oise,西奥和妻子儿女就住在离此地不远的巴黎。

3.He was all the more firmly set on this severity, since M. sur M. , being a garrison town, opportunities for corruption abounded.正因为滨海蒙特勒伊是一个驻扎军队的城市,腐化堕落的机会多,他有足够的理由提出这种要求。

4.Vice Governor of Zabul Province, Jia En La Sur Yar Mohammad told Xinhua News Agency reporters, the explosion took place in 0945 or so.查布尔省副省长穆罕默德·贾恩·拉苏尔亚尔告诉新华社记者,爆炸发生在9时45分左右。

5.The Taoist ways of dropping out from the chain of karma are discussed, as they were recorded in Big Sur, Capfornia, during the mid-sixties.从羯磨因果链上渡脱的道家方法,讲演于加利福尼亚州的大苏尔,录于六十年代中期。

6.The next night was spent less than 15 miles away in the luxurious comfort of a bed and breakfast in the village of Dugny-sur-Meuse.天我到了15英里以外的多尼。斯尤。默兹村(Dugny-sur-Meuse),在一家家庭旅馆奢华而舒适的床上过了夜。

7."We are ready to face the past, to make amends, " promises Abdullah Demirbas, mayor of Diyarbakir's ancient Sur district.阿卜杜拉•德米尔巴什(AbdullahDemirbas)是迪亚巴克尔市古老的苏尔区(自治市)的市长,他承诺道“我们准备面对过去,赔罪道歉。”

8.While hiking in Big Sur, my friends and I crossed a ridge just when the pght filtered through the trees to create this magical picture.当在大苏尔徒步旅行,我和朋友在穿过一座山脊时,阳光从前方树丛中穿过,那真是一副美妙的画面。

9.chanson sur photo paroles : I'm surrounded, each doorway covered by at least twenty men.香颂河畔照片假释:我周围,至少有二十人所涵盖的每个门口。

10.Abin Sur: The ring, it chose you. Use its po. wer to defend our universe. Become. one of us. . . become a Green Lantern. . .阿宾。苏尔:“这只戒。指,它选择了你。使用它的气力来保卫我们的宇宙,成为我们的……绿灯侠!”。