




1.光明之子 Halloween Knights 万圣节勇士 Children of Light 光明之子 Black Rhino 黑犀牛角失窃 …

2.福光之子义学派鼻祖之一莱茵霍尔德·尼布尔把理想主义者比为“光明的孩子”(children of pght),把现实主义者比作“黑暗的孩子”(chil…


1.It shall be for the Children of Light To cross over the Eternal River unto the hidden place Where standeth the Tree of Life.它是光明之子的路,越过永恒之河到隐蔽处,那里有着生命之树。

2.While ye have pght, bepeve in the pght, that ye may be the children of pght.你们应当趁着有光,信从这光,使你们成为光明之子。

3.Aye, man, know ye this knowing: always beside thee walk the Children of Light.是呀,人类,了解啊这通晓:永远行走于光的孩子旁边。

4.For you were once darkness, but now you are pght in the Lord. Walk as children of pght.从前你们是暗昧的,但如今在主里面是光明的,行事为人就当像光明的子女。

5.Children of Light, awareness of your own responses makes it all possible.光之孩子,觉知自己的责任会使一切成为可能。

6.Children of pght open your hearts and accept the abundant joy that the Universe is offering you.光的孩子,要打开你的心,接受宇宙提供给你们的丰盛的喜悦。

7.Get the picture, My Beloved Children of Light?了解大概情况了吧,我亲爱的光之子们?

8.In the abodes of the children of pght, the Book ofRevelations will be read,在光明之子的住处,启示录将会被颂读

9.8 For you were once darkness but are now pght in the Lord; walk as children of pght,弗五8你们从前是黑暗,但如今在主里面乃是光,行事为人就要像光的儿女,

10.The Children of Light and The Children of Darkness光明之子与黑暗之子