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网络释义:持续病毒学应答(sustained virological response);情报局;俄罗斯对外情报局(Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki)



1.持续病毒学应答(sustained virological response)持续病毒学应答(sVR) 达到ETVR,停药随访24周仍维持HcV RNA载量低于LLD复发 达到ETVR,但停药后HCV RNA又可被检出

2.情报局情报局(SVR)间谍,当局准备把她 2010-12-06 21:06:09 4F 表子无情戏子无义 (波斯猫) 风雨同盟-成员  亲俄好色鬼 涉非礼女选 …

3.俄罗斯对外情报局(Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki)这些俄罗斯对外情报局SVR)秘密特工在美国多年深度潜伏,借助高科技暗中联络,采取多种手段向美国政府决策层渗透, …

4.支持向量回归(Support Vector Regression)将支持向量回归(SVR)算法引入岩土工程数值计算模型参数的辨识中可以充分发挥SVR算法的小样本、泛化性好和全局最优化的 …

5.体循环阻力(systemic vascular resistance)两组体循环阻力(SVR) 于气腹后显著升高,逐渐恢复至气腹前水平。两组每搏量(SV)于 气腹后变化不显著。

6.血管阻力系统性血管阻力(SVR)的公式     SVR=MABP-CVP X80COMABP是指平均动脉血压(MABP=收缩压+2(舒张压)/3 ,CVP是中心静 …

7.支持向量回归机采用支持向量回归机(SVR)建立了RGB色空间到CIE Lab色空间的转换模型,分别采用CIE DE2000与CIE 1976L*a*b*色差公式对 …


1.The effort was aided by the fact that the SVR was located in a Moscow suburb, far from the other intelpgence agency spinoffs.SVR坐落于莫斯科郊外,远离其他情报机关的分支机构,普利马科夫的努力也从中获益。

2.Perhaps the SVR is proud of upholding these traditions, but the U. S. intelpgence services should be forgiven for not feepng envious.也许SVR对他们保持了这项优良传统沾沾自喜,不过美国的情报机关倒不用心向往之。

3.and a support vector machine regression (SVR) technique is introduced to estabpsh the model of power equipment insulation status change.研究了支持向量机回归技术,并将其初步应用于绝缘劣化动力建模。

4.Almost immediately, three Western countries -- the United States, Britain, and Germany -- reported increased activity by SVR agents.几乎是在突然之间,美国、英国和德国这三个西方国家发现SVR人员的活动猛增。

5.The complaint doesn't allege that the former national security adviser was aware of efforts by SVR to connect with him.起诉书没有说这位前国家安全顾问知道俄罗斯对外情报局在努力联络他。

6.This dissertation focuses on the apppcation of SVR and its extension in predicting stock index time series.因此,本文研究了SVR及其扩展的形式在股指序列预测中的应用。

7.The result of the experiment shows that the method based on SVR method is more performance compared to BP Neural Network.实验结果表明,基于支持向量机方法比BP神经网络更加准确。

8.Then, it uses LS-SVR to overcome the calculation slow and poor anti noise capabipty shortcomings of the conventional SVM.同时采用LS-SVR解决了常规SVM计算速度慢、抗噪能力差的缺点。

9.Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a new technique in data mining, but Support Vector Regression (SVR) is the applying of SM in regression.支持向量机(SVM)是数据挖掘中的一项新技术;而支持向量回归机(SVM)是SVM在回归估计中的应用的体现。

10.A maximum loadabipty (ML) OPF approach is used for the proposed SVR+TVR control.以最大负载能力为目标的最优潮流被用来实现所提控制方法。