


网络释义:上汽集团(Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation);上海汽车集团股份有限公司(Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp.);国家工商行政管理总局(State Administration for Industry and Commerce)


1.上汽集团(Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation)其竞争对手上汽集团(SAIC)最近在伯明翰恢复了名爵(MG)TF跑车的生产,该集团在中国生产的荣威(Roewe)汽车,主要基于已 …

2.上海汽车集团股份有限公司(Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp.)股 东包括上海汽车集团股份有限公司(SAIC)、中国石油化工集团公司(Sinopec Corp)等“世界 500 强”企业。 安邦财险凭借着 …

3.国家工商行政管理总局(State Administration for Industry and Commerce)中国国家工商行政管理总局(SAIC)指定玩具检测实验室中国认证机构中国质量认证中心(CQC)、中国电磁兼容认证中心(CE…

4.国际公司比如美国的国际公司SAIC)的五名主管人员2002年的年薪在100万到190万美元之间,而且每人还持有超过150万美元的股票 …


1.SAIC can afford its patient entry strategy because despite being a new company in many ways, it has no shortage of resources.这是因为,尽管在很多方面它只能算是一个新的公司,但资源并不缺乏。

2."They have had a somewhat sobering experience of trying to do that, " he said, pointing to SAIC's experience with Ssangyong.他说:“他们在此方面已有了一次经历,从某种程度上说,这次经历发人深省。”他指的是上汽对双龙的收购。

3.of the total investment and registered capital of the difference between SAIC will be part of the commission, through loans to help resolve.总投资与注册资本的差额部分将由上汽集团通过委托贷款等方式帮助解决。

4.Both auto makers have said the terms of their collaboration have not changed, but SAIC's 51% holding gives it the rank of majority owner.通用汽车和上汽都表示,合作的条件没有变化,但上汽持有的51%股权使其成为持有多数股权的控股方。

5.Future plans with SAIC could extend to other countries where the companies have comppmentary needs, he said.他说,今后与上汽的合作计划可能扩展到其他双方拥有互补性需要的国家。

6.The GM chief said the company has 11 joint ventures in China with two of its primary local partners, SAIC Motor Corp. and FAW Group Corp.阿克森说,通用在中国与当地两大合作伙伴上海汽车集团股份有限公司和中国第一汽车集团公司建有11个合资企业。

7.The Secretary shall record such appointment or removal of a director in the Company's books and register the same with the SAIC.董事会秘书应将委派董事或撤换董事的事宜在公司的记事簿中记录,并且向工商局登记。

8.SAIC Motor Corp. , China's largest car maker by sales volume, said its first-half net profit more than quadrupled from a year earper.中国销量最大的汽车生产商上海汽车集团股份有限公司(SAICMotorCorp.)说,今年上半年净利润同比增长了三倍以上。

9.Upon receipt of approval from the Examination and Approval Authority , the Company shall register the change in ownership with the SAIC .收到审批机关对转让的批准后,合营公司应在工商局登记股东变更事宜。

10.Shanghai GM, GM's joint venture with Chinese carmaker SAIC Motor, says vehicle sales jumped more than 50% from a year earper in May.上海通用——通用汽车公司与上海汽车集团股份有限公司的合资公司,5月的汽车销售额同比增长超过了50%。