


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ritʃmənd]





n.1.[Travel]part of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

1.里士满里士满Richmond)最早源自于英国北约克郡的里士满,现在在许多地方都有使用。它可以指: 本词条对我有帮助 分享到: …


3.里奇蒙里奇蒙(Richmond):里奇蒙是塔司玛尼亚重要的历史重镇之一,位于霍巴特东北方约24公里,整个城镇里,约有50栋的建筑物 …

4.列治文市东湾列治文市Richmond)周四也成为湾区占领运动的最新城市,大批抗议者下午在第11街和尼云街交界的停车场集合,然后 …

5.瑞奇蒙瑞奇蒙(Richmond)又称斯坦顿岛(Staten Island),位于曼哈顿西南,它与其它各区被纽约湾给隔开,与新泽西州之间也被狭长的 …

6.列治文区列治文区richmond)的桥梁道 (bridge road)与天鹅街(swan street)是购买澳大利亚时装的最佳地点。此外,主要的市集 …

7.里士满市在美国里士满市Richmond)度周末 全球最奢华邮轮诞生 胶原蛋白踩中新华社"痛脚"刘洪波校长下跪的新教育是苦肉计时言平 …


1.of Richmond University and would pke the opportunity to talk with you about the position.我刚刚从里士满大学毕业,很想就此机会,与您面谈这一工作职位问题。

2.Apce is one of the founders of Richmond Greenspace Society, and a supporter to save Garden City Lands.黄陈小萍创立了列治文绿色空间协会,并支持保存花园城市土地。

3.And he was prepared to see Atlanta and Richmond sacked and burned if it would restore the Union more quickly.他也早以做好了亚特兰大和里奇蒙德两座城市被洗劫和烧毁的准备,只要这些能够使得全国更快统一。

4.Richmond: Excuse me , but I seem to be having trouble with this cash dispenser .对不起,我在使用这台付现机时似乎遇到些麻烦,

5.Hager, who has been a White House aide and worked on Bush's re-election campaign, is the son of John and Maggie Hager of Richmond, Va.哈格曾是白宫的一名助手,并曾为布什连任竞选效力。他是弗吉尼亚州里士满约翰•哈格和麦琪•哈格的儿子。

6.I was especially moved in Richmond a few days ago, when 209 of our fellow citizens got to ask us questions.几天前,我在里士满时特别受感动,因为有209名市民向我发问。

7.he was a slave on board the brig creole , of richmond , bound to new orleans , that great slave mart , with a hundred and four others.他与一百零四名其它黑奴一起关在里士满的“克里奥”号双桅帆船上,运往奴隶大市场新奥尔良州。

8.He and his wife were busy Saturday, dropping off their only child, Alpe, at Earlham College in Richmond, Ind. , to begin her freshman year.因为他和妻子在周六忙着送他们的独生女Alpe去里奇蒙的厄勒姆学院,开始她的大一新学年。

9.As a black child of a single mother in Richmond, Kentucky, Embry grew up in poverty.作为一个生在肯塔基州里奇蒙市单亲母亲的黑人孩子,安柏瑞在贫困中长大。

10.Brian Richmond, a paleoanthropologist at George Washington University, said he expects the new study to spark much interest and excitement.乔治华盛顿大学的古人类学家BrianRichmond表示他期待新的研究结果激发更多的兴趣和激情。