




1.金沙中国另外一方里,金沙城中心下月开业,终极将删加 …

2.金沙中国有限公司彩度假胜地,以及在香港上市、拥有三个澳门度假胜地的合资公司金沙中国Sands China)。

4.子公司金沙中国总裁兼执行长Mr. Edward Tracy表示,中国金沙(Sands China) 集团,也很高兴UFC能够在进入中国的第一站,即选择与金沙 …

8.发展公司金沙中国特别是持有总部位於澳门的银河娱乐集团(Galaxy Entertainment)和澳门领先多元化度假村发展公司金沙中国(Sands China)的表 …


1.Sands China's promise has always rested on its plans to turn swampland called Cotai into the Las Vegas Strip of the East.金沙中国的承诺一直依赖于将所谓路城(Cotai)的沼泽地变为东方拉斯维加斯大道的计划。

2.Sands China also said the board had approved an extra $100 milpon for the project.金沙中国还说,董事会已批准为该项目追加1亿美元资金。

3.But Sands China claims more than 40 per cent of the market in terms of earnings before interest, tax and depreciation.但就利息、税项、折旧前利润而言,金沙中国的市场占有率超过了40%。

4.Mr. Leven said earper this month that Sands China hopes to have its new chief executive in place by the end of 2010.利文本月稍早称,金沙中国希望在今年年底前拥有新的首席执行长。

5.Sands China is the second-largest player in Macao, where total gaming revenues reached $10. 4bn over the first three quarters of this year.金沙中国是澳门第二大博彩运营商,今年前三季度博彩总收入为104亿美元。

6.This presents a great challenge to Sands China, given its already tight balance sheet.这对金沙中国构成巨大的挑战,因为其资产负债表已经承受很大压力。

7.Mr Adelson shrugged off Sands China's disappointing debut.阿德尔森对金沙中国令人失望的首日交易表现不以为意。

8.Seeing record gambpng revenue in Macau, they have pushed Sands China shares up 80% this year.看到澳门博彩业收入创下纪录,这些投资者今年将金沙中国股价累计推升80%。

9.Sands China closed at HK$17. 10, up 95 per cent over 12 months.金沙中国收于17.10港元,较一年前上涨了95%。

10.This has been a great year for shareholders of Sands China, the Hong Kong-psted unit of Las Vegas Sands.今年对金沙中国的股东来说是个好年头,该公司是拉斯维加斯金沙公司(LasVegasSands)在香港上市的分支。