




1.时之砂 ... 罗宾汉2010 Robin Hood 波斯王子:时之砂 Prince of Persia:Sands of Time 特工的特别任务 Homeland Security ...

2.时之沙 ... Sap of the World Tree( 世界树之露) Sands of Time( 时之沙) Sage's Stone( 贤者之石) ...

3.沙漏 ... Ad Infinitum[ 无限] Sands of Time[ 沙漏] Synthetique[ 梦幻] ...

4.波斯王子 ... 1.8% Clash of the Titans 泰坦之战 1.4% Prince of Persia:Sands of Time 波斯王子 1.0% Other 其它 ...

5.时间之沙.,以下黑色项目主要领域的运作从这个看似虚构的版 …

6.时间砂 沙洲巨蛇 Sandbar Serpent 时间砂 Sands of Time 砂岩战士 Sandstone Warrior ...

7.时间的沙滩你可以观看更多来自国家地理2010年9月号的专题故事“时间的沙滩Sands of Time)”的照片。你还可以观看澳大利亚的照片。


1.Explanation: The sands of time are running out for the central star of this hourglass-shaped planetary nebula.说明:在这个沙漏状的行星状星云中,时间之砂正从中央的恒星之中流失殆尽。

2.The sands of time are running out for the central star of this the Hourglass Nebula.对沙漏星云中的中央恒星来说,时间的沙粒正在流逝。

3.After "Iron Man 2" came "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, " which should go down as one of the biggest failures of the year.紧随《钢铁侠2》之后的是《波斯王子:时之砂》,此片当以年度最失败作品之一而消落。

4.The four dragons, Staghelm, and a large group of qiraji and night elves appear out of the sands of time.上古四龙,鹿盔,大群的其拉蝎虫和一批暗夜精灵同时出现在时间之沙的倒影之中。

5.personally , i was a huge sands of time fan , but was rather disappointed by the generically darker warrior within.就个人而言,我是时之砂的铁杆,但真的对武者之心的黑暗风格很失望。

6.Ignorant youth, in the sands of time, flowing from silk; raise time, a gradual change in the season, gradually submerged.懵懂的年华,在时间的沙漏里,丝丝流过;觥筹的岁月,在渐变的季节里,渐渐淹没。

7.Make time to find out with "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" in theaters.抽个空到电影院观赏《波斯王子:时之刃》来找出答案吧。

8.Anachronos the Ancient says: The sands of time will halt, but only for a moment! I will conjure the barrier.上古之龙阿纳克洛斯说:时间之沙将会停止流动,但只有片刻时间!我会召唤屏障。

9.Tamina: Only the Dagger can release the Sands of Time. And there are those who would use this power to break the world.塔米娜:“只有这利刃才能释放时之砂。如果被某些人利用了这权力,它将毁灭世界。”

10.Footprints on the sands of time are not made through sitting down.时间沙滩上的脚印不是坐出来的。