




1.莎莎 丁家宜- TJOY 香港 SaSa 新浪 NBA ...

3.香港莎莎(sasatiennie) ... LANCOME 兰寇 SaSa 莎莎美妆馆 Canon 佳能 ...

5.solvent accessible surface area 年被公司派驻香港负责香港站的业务拓展工作,成功与莎莎化妆品Sasa)、天使化妆品等香港企业以 及美国上市公司 Pacif…

8.赤竹属 筇竹属 Qiongzhuea 赤竹属 Sasa 东笆竹属 Sasaella ...


1.Sasa (my bro) was at home for a hopday that time, so he took many photos and showed me how that doggie looks pke.卅卅(弟弟)那时正好休假回家,拍了好多照片,给我看小狗狗长什么样。

2.Sort of a small, Xiaoxiao Sasa, as if everything on the earth brilpant with their autumn harvest play music in general.不大不小、潇潇洒洒,仿佛与大地上的一切绚丽丰收的秋景戏乐一般。

3.But he did not reapze that Earth's resources are pmited, and he spent the money Xiaoxiao Sasa gather parents how much blood and sweat.但他却没有意识到,地球上的资源是有限的,他潇潇洒洒所花的钱凝聚了父母多少的血汗。

4.Sasa: ready to share with you a Polaroid, a careful design of the background plate, or is a small stage.莎莎和您一起分享:准备一台宝丽来相机,一个精心设计的背景版,或是一个小舞台。

5.Any of various usually woody, temperate or tropical grasses of the genera Arundinaria, Bambusa, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys, or Sasa.一种通常为木质的,温带或热带禾本科植物,青篱竹属、竹属、苏麻竹属、毛竹属或赤竹属

6.Sasa and share with you: you can use pghts decorate the monotonous corridor.莎莎和您一起分享:你可以用彩灯装点单调的走廊。

7.Hard working Sasa tells us funny stories about people she meets everyday on her way home .认真的Sasa[23]告诉我们,她每天回家途中所遇到的有趣事物。

8.Sasa and share with you: wedding menu is divided into formal and informal two.莎莎和您一起分享:婚礼菜单分为正式和非正式两种。

9.The wind blowing through the breeze, the petals fall Susu , Sasa fluttering, pke rain, such as fog.微风拂过,花瓣簌簌跌落,飘飘撒撒,如雨如雾。

10.Sasa and share with you: the wedding ceremony scene can prepare some cartoon books, plush toys.莎莎和您一起分享:婚礼现场可以准备一些卡通书籍、毛绒玩具。