




1.另存为 ... 3.6.4. Save 保存 3.6.5. Save-as 另存为 3.6.3. Edit 编辑 ...


1.I'm planning to start a school, so I'm trying to save as much money as possible.我打算办一所学校,所以我正在尽力节省尽可能多的钱。

2.Adjust your expenses and budget to the expected new income level before you make a move and save as much money as you can for a cushion.在变动之前,根据新职位的预计收入来调整你的开销预算,尽可能多攒点钱以备不时只需。

3.To save only the changes to a file, select the Allow fast saves check box, and then continue to save as you work on the file.若要只保存文件的更改,请选中“允许快速保存”复选框,然后在处理文件的同时继续保存。

4.From the file menu, choose "Save as" , give it a name ending with the GIF extension, i. e. , "myfile. gif" and save it.从档案清单中,选择“另存新档”,给它一个名字,后面加上GIF。例:档名打“我的档案.gif”然后储存。

5.She's trying to save as much lung tissue as possible.她想尽可能保全肺组织

6.Marry 's dad gives her an allowance of one dollar a week , which she can spend or save as she wishes .玛丽的爸爸每星期给她一块钱,她可以花掉,也可以储蓄起来,随她的便。

7.Under Save As, in the Calendar title text box, type the name that you want to appear as the title of the Web page.在“另存为”下的“日历标题”文本框中,键入要显示为网页标题的名称。

8.so I'm trying to save as much money as possible.我计划开办一所学校,所以我设法尽可能的积点钱。

9.Changes made by another user cannot be merged . Use the File Save As command to save the workbook with a different name.不能合并其他用户所作的修改。请使用“文件”菜单的“另存为”命令,将工作簿以其他名称保存。

10.Start typing, and when you are ready to save your work, cpck File in the menu bar and then cpck Save As.开始键入内容,准备保存作业时,单击菜单栏中的“文件”,再单击“另存为”。