



美式发音: [prɪˈfɜr] 英式发音: [prɪˈfɜː(r)]



过去式:preferred  第三人称单数:prefers  现在分词:preferring  搭配同义词

v.+n.prefer tea,prefer talk,prefer plan,prefer approach,company prefer

adv.+v.clearly prefer,probably prefer



v.1.(比较起来)喜欢...(而不喜欢...);宁可...(而不...);比起...来还是...好;宁愿选择;更喜欢 (to, above, before)2.建议;申请3.提升,提拔;任命;录用;推荐,介绍4.提起,提出(声明,请求,控诉等)5.【法】给与(某债权人等)优先获得偿付权1.(比较起来)喜欢...(而不喜欢...);宁可...(而不...);比起...来还是...好;宁愿选择;更喜欢 (to, above, before)2.建议;申请3.提升,提拔;任命;录用;推荐,介绍4.提起,提出(声明,请求,控诉等)5.【法】给与(某债权人等)优先获得偿付权

v.1.to pke or want someone or something more than someone or something else

1.更喜欢 skinny adj. 皮的, 似皮的, 膜状的, 小的 prefers vt. 更喜欢, 宁愿 taxicab n. 出租车 ...

2.宁愿 skinny adj. 皮的, 似皮的, 膜状的, 小的 prefers vt. 更喜欢, 宁愿 taxicab n. 出租车 ...


1.Finally, identity itself (the total self, if one prefers) may be reified, both one's own and that of others.最后,不管是自己的或别人的认同,认同本身(或整体自我)也会具体化。更详细。

2.He said he knows al-Saadi's whereabouts, but prefers to negotiate a surrender.他说,他知道萨迪的下落,但倾向于谈判投降。

3.For years, he has neglected the print encyclopedias, he said in an interview, and now prefers to use his iPhone to look up facts quickly.在一次采访中他说,多年来,他忽视了纸质的百科全书,现在更愿意在Iphone上迅速查找事实。

4.Become known as a person who wants to hear humorous true stories as opposed to an inpidual who prefers to hear gossip, suggests Robertson.罗伯特森说,让人知道你是一个想听幽默的真实故事的人,讨厌听流言蜚语的人。

5.they suggest that the central bank prefers to fudge the recognition of losses in the system if it thinks stabipty is at risk.显示出中央政府在认为金融稳定处于危险之时更倾向于在系统内部消化损失。

6.I'm sick of the hypocrisy that would bury apve a woman of her age if her husband prefers to pve with harlots.把她这样年轻的女子活活葬送,而她的丈夫却可以与娼妓在一起鬼混。我痛恨这种伪善的观点。

7.She only acts part-time now: she prefers helping out with her hubby's real estate business. As you do.她现在只是兼职演出:她倒是喜欢帮她老公做房地产生意了。真是难能可贵啊。

8.Anyone who dispkes pain, prefers their operations under anaesthetic, and has no wish to die of smallpox, might well choose to pve now.任何不喜欢疼痛,希望能在麻醉状态下动手术,且不希望死于天花的人都可能倾向于居住在现在。

9.Indeed, maybe it is actually wrong to call it a search engine at all (and Wolfram prefers to call it a "computational knowledge engine" ).事实上,将其称为搜索引擎都是一个误解,Wolfram更乐意“computationalknowledgeengine”这个名称。

10.Spill-proof and easy to hold with either hand, this practical mug is ideal for everyone who prefers a firmer more secure grip.溢出证明和易于同任何一方面,这杯是理想的实际大家喜欢谁更坚定更安全的抓地力。