




1.节省用纸 ... Replace your pght-bulbs with energy saving ones 改用省电灯泡 Save paper 节省用纸 Seminars 研讨会 ...

2.节约用纸 ... Paper very precious 纸非常珍贵 Save paper 节约用纸 Don't waste paper paper 不要浪费纸 ...

3.节约纸张 12)动员其他人 mobipze others 14)节约纸张 save paper ...

4.节省纸张 ... WAS-HIS 是,主席。 SAVE PAPER 节省纸张 ...


1.My report is about how important it is to save paper, electricity, and other resources. I'll send it to you telepathically .我的报告是关于节约用纸、用电、和其他资源的重要性。我将以心灵感应的方式将它发送给你。

2.On its Web site, H&M reports that to save paper, it has shrunk its shipping labels.在其官方网站上,H&M报道说,公司为了节约用纸,缩小了其产品的付运标签面积。

3.The natural, in addition to a one-time items, the paper is to save, not just to save paper, but to save everything!自然,除一次性物品,纸也是要节约的,不仅仅是节约用纸,而是要节约一切!

4.I often check over the files before I print them, as to avoid any errors. To save paper, I'll enlarge the margins.我通常在打印前都会检查文件,避免出错。打印时会满幅面打印,以节约纸张。

5.This value is specific to the PostScript driver and is used only by Linotronic printers to help save paper.该值是针对PostScript驱动程序的,仅供Linotronic打印机使用以节省纸张。

6.If the size of the long and narrow shape of 36, you can save paper.假如用狭长形的36开本,可以节约纸张。

7.There are many ways to save paper, and one of them is to reuse paper.节约用纸的方式有很多,重复用纸是其中一个。

8.Maybe we have no way to plant trees or flowers, but at least, we can take good care of the green around us, and we can save paper or water.或许,我们没有条件去养花栽树,但起码,我们能够注意爱护周围的一草一木,我们可以节约每一滴水,每一张纸。

9.The move is part of efforts to save paper and improve efficiency.此举不仅节省纸张,也会提高入场效率。

10.We want everyone to save water and save paper.我们希望每一个人都能节约用水和节约用纸。