




1.这最少需要五天工作 ... the people´s choice 人民的选择 men´s work 男人的工作 the crew´s quarters 船员的舱房 ...

3.工作 ... 工作 s work ...

4.对工作负责 ... be rapt in one´s new job 把精力贯注在新工作上 be very conscientious in one´s work 对工作负责 ...

5.持续努力工作 ... be very conscientious in one´s work 对工作负责 keep pounding away at one´s work 持续努力工


1.Huey: I knew it was Granin's work the minute I saw it. See, I'd been corresponding with him for a while.休伊:第一眼看到的时候我就知道这是格兰宁的研究。我和他来往有一段时间了。

2.The helper arrived the next day and immediately began to improve Joe's work.第二天帮忙的人来了,他立即开始改进乔的工作。

3.He said that SARS is a common threat faced by the humankind. China's work is of uttermost importance in prevent the spreading of SARS.他说,非典是人类面临的共同挑战,中国的工作对防止其蔓延至关重要,欧盟愿向中国提供必要的援助。

4.Freedom. Freedom in deciding what work to do or how to do it; a sense of control over one's work.自由。一种让人们自主决定做什么工作以及怎样去做的自由,一种工作自主的良好感觉。

5.In 1992, Pope John Paul said the church's denunciation of Gapleo's work had been a tragic error.1992年,当时的教皇保罗二世称,教会对伽利略学说的批判是“悲剧性的错误”。

6.Lord, destroy the enemy's work, the work of darkness, the work of the spiritual forces in the air.主,毁坏仇敌的工作,就是黑暗的工作,也就是空中属灵权势的工作,捆绑所有邪恶的灵!

7.This paper aims to call upon a sophisticated understanding of Virginia Woolf 's work in terms of philosophically inflected aesthetics.本文旨在探讨受哲学思维浸染的形式美学概念,如何牵引维吉妮尔•吴尔芙的小说创作。

8.The middle school teacher contrasted her best student's work with that of her weakest student.这名中学老师把他最好学生的作业与最差学生的作业进行对比。

9.Beginning to do more in a year and do a good job for the whole year's work to lay a good foundation.要在一年开始时多做并做好工作,为全年的工作打好基础。

10.You know a lot about him: pfe's work, poptical aspirations, him and the Pope, sexual orientation, the whole works, right?他的政治抱负,他和教皇,性倾向,所有作品,对吗?