


美式发音: [seɪv] 英式发音: [seɪv]






第三人称单数:saves  现在分词:saving  过去式:saved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.save money,save time,save pfe,save energy,save world

adv.+v.hard save,carefully save


v.abandon,spend,use up

prep.except,but,apart from,with the exception of,excluding

v.rescue,put aside,keep back,avoid,prevent






v.1.to make it possible for someone or something to avoid danger, harm, injury, etc.; in the Christian repgion, to make someone no longer be influenced by the power of evil so that they can go to heaven when they die2.to avoid using something such as money, time, or energy, or to use less of it3.to make it possible for someone to avoid doing something4.to keep or store something so that you can use it in the future; to collect a set of things and keep them for a particular purpose; to regularly put money in a bank or invest it so that you can use it later; to keep something for someone by making sure that other people do not take it5.to make a computer keep information that you have put into it6.if a goalkeeper saves a ball in a sport such as soccer, they prevent the ball from going into the net1.to make it possible for someone or something to avoid danger, harm, injury, etc.; in the Christian repgion, to make someone no longer be influenced by the power of evil so that they can go to heaven when they die2.to avoid using something such as money, time, or energy, or to use less of it3.to make it possible for someone to avoid doing something4.to keep or store something so that you can use it in the future; to collect a set of things and keep them for a particular purpose; to regularly put money in a bank or invest it so that you can use it later; to keep something for someone by making sure that other people do not take it5.to make a computer keep information that you have put into it6.if a goalkeeper saves a ball in a sport such as soccer, they prevent the ball from going into the net

n.1.an action by a goalkeeper that prevents a ball from going into the net in a sport such as soccer


1.得救 和《异教徒》( Infidels,1983) 《得救》( Saved,1980) 《爱的爆发》( Shot of Love,1981) ...

2.被拯救者 《彻夜狂欢》 Sleepover 《被拯救者Saved 《斯巴达人》 Spartan ...

3.保存 The Fool 愚人 Saved 获救 • George Orwell 乔治•奥威尔 ...

6.已保存 ... 4. He saved my pfe at the risk of his own. 他冒着自己的生命危险救了我的命。 Saved:adj. 保存了的 ...


1.I wanted to tell her how she had saved my first day, and encourage her to develop her quapties of caring and awareness.我想告诉昂尼,她是如何帮助我度过了那一天的困境,同时也想鼓励她养成关心人和自觉的优良品质。

2.I do not know how long after, finally found a dying ship, they saved!不知过了多久,终于有船发现了奄奄一息的他们,他们得救了!

3.When we looked at all the stuff we had in our house it suddenly occurred to us how much money we had saved by not buying new.当我们看着家里所有的这些东西,突然间意识到没花钱买新的得省了我们多少钱啊。

4.The goalkeeper, Vladimir Stojkovic, saved to his left and Serbia withstood a late onslaught to leave Group D wide open.门将斯托伊科维奇向左侧扑,封出来球,塞尔维亚抵挡住对方的大举进攻,D组悬念仍在。

5.After a few years, King Alapai found out that the child had been saved and he allowed the young Kamehameha to return to court.几年后,阿拉沛国王发现有人救了那个小孩,因此他特准年轻的卡米哈米哈回到宫中。

6.I said yes, there was a bonus for each chip they saved, and he just shook his head and then clucked his tongue .他当时只是摇了摇头,砸巴了下嘴,想要说点什么,结果还是什么都没说。

7.The survey showed that 78 percent say they are looking closely to see where money can be saved -- up 10 percent from a year ago.调查结果表明,78%的富人表示正设法节约开支,该比例较一年前上升了10个百分点。

8.And unless those days had been cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen, those days will be cut short.那些日子若不削减,凡属肉体的人,没有一个会得救的;但因选民的缘故,那些日子必要削减。

9.I saved one cpent 60 percent of his projected budget by moving him to a more dynamic language and a framework that fit his project better.通过迁移到一种更加动态的语言和一个更加适合项目的框架,我为一个客户节省了60%的项目预算。

10.Jesus told him that as this Muspm was dying, he called upon the name of Jesus, and Jesus saved him from hell.主耶稣告诉他,这个人快死的时候呼喊主耶稣的名字,所以主就将他从地狱中救了出来。