


美式发音: [bɑd] 英式发音: [bɒd]


abbr.(=biochemical oxygen demand)生化需氧量

网络释义:生化需氧量(biochemical oxygen demand);生物耗氧量(biological oxygen demand);生物需氧量

复数:bods  同义词

n.person,character,individual,human being,man



1.a person

She's a bit of an odd bod(= rather strange) .她是个相当古怪的人。

2.人体;身体a person's body

He's got a great bod.他是个大块头。


abbr.1.(=biochemical oxygen demand)生化需氧量

n.1.a persons body2.a person

abbr.1.(=biochemical oxygen demand)

1.生化需氧量(biochemical oxygen demand) BMJ 波恩 BOD 波尔多 BOM 孟买 ...


1.Just because a woman kisses you, it doesn't mean that she's hot for your bod right then and there.如果女人和你仅仅接过吻,这并不代表她对你产生了冲动。

2.Bod and I kicked around the idea of going swimming, but it was hot and we were too lazy.鲍勃和我说来说去想去游泳,可是天气太热,我们也懒得动。

3.Don't be surprised if she leaves you for a younger man. Women pke a fresh face and buff bod, too.假如年轻姑娘因为年轻小伙的原因而离开了你,也别那么惊讶。毕竟女人也喜欢男人长相俊朗身材强壮。

4.All effluent must be treated to remove at least 85% BOD regardless of the effect on the quapty of the receiving stream.所有废水都必须去除85%的BOD,不管它对接纳水体的水质带来多大的影响。

5.They identify the business apppcations and components that are being integrated along with the BODs used to pass information.它们标识了正在与用于传递信息的BOD集成的业务应用程序和组件。

6.Ease of Nitrification. BOD removal and nitrification can be achieved in a single step of treatment with no change in operation.减少硝化反应。去除BOD和硝化反应可以通过单独的一步反应实现,不需要变更操作。

7.She's a bit of an odd bod.她是个相当古怪的人。

8.Subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SFS) can effectively remove BOD from the system, but less effectively for denitrification.潜流式人工湿地能够有效地去除舍碳有机污染物,但一般对含氮污染物的去除效果相对较弱。

9.She does get a major glam upgrade for prom, though, and by film's end she's transformed almost as much as demon-in-a-hot-bod Jennifer has.她曾在毕业舞会上打扮得魅力十足,然而在电影的结尾,她也跟恶魔附体的珍妮弗一样变得魅惑而危险了。

10.In Xikang some representative figures are even thinking of using the name "Bod government" when regional national autonomy is implemented.在西康,有的代表人士甚至还想在实行区域自治时用“波巴政府”这个名字。