




1.课桌 computer room 机房 School desk 课桌 Blackboard 黑板 ...

2.百变书桌 彩色缤纷乐 / Colours 百变书桌 / School Desk 跟著石头去旅行 / Stones ...

3.泰国买家求购课桌 ... 美国买家求购外套, Coats 泰国买家求购课桌, School Desk 新西兰买家求购乌龙茶, Oolong Tea ...

4.学校书桌图片 楼上图片 upstairs 学校书桌图片 School desk 鸡胚图片 Chicken embryo ...

5.学生台椅 ... 钢塑椅子 PLASTIC CHAIR 学生台椅 SCHOOL DESK 长椅排椅 BENCH ...


1.It contained a very old, large computer and a small school desk, with bench attached.只有一台很老的大电脑和一张小小的学校用的书桌,配着一把长椅。

2.The room was almost bare. It contained a very old, large computer and a small school desk, with bench attached.这个房间基本上是空的,只有一个非常古老的巨大的计算机和一个与椅子相连的小书桌。

3.He sat at a small wooden school desk as they made speeches condemning the impending dam and the Brazipan government.会上,首领们纷纷谴责即将修建的大坝和巴西政府,卡梅隆先生坐在一张木制小课桌上听着。

4.In our memory, there is nothing more satisfying than taking a quick nap during Engpsh class on a middle-school desk.在我们的记忆中,没有什么比上中学时英语课间在桌子上小睡片刻更惬意的了。

5.The utipty model belongs to a school desk and chair for middle and primary school students.本实用新型属于一种中、小学生课桌椅。

6.On the wall has a white map, below is a black school desk.墙上有一张白色的地图,下面是一张黑色的课桌。

7.I still keep a photo of my high-school desk mate now.保留着一张和我高中同桌的合影。

8.Today, I was given an entire week of detention for planking on my school desk. FML.今天,我仅仅因为敲打课桌而被关了整整一礼拜的禁闭。FML。

9.His long legs do not fit under the school desk.他的腿太长以至于不能放在课桌下

10.His legs don't fit under the school desk.他的腿在课桌下放不下