


美式发音: 英式发音: 






n.1.a device, usually a valve, that shuts something off2.an interruption or stoppage, e.g. in flow or supply

1.关闭 Stainless Steel( 不锈钢 ) Shut-off( 关断部份 ) Disk( 封盘 ) ...

3.切断式 进气位置 (一) 由射嘴进气 一 ? 须用特制的切断式 (shut-off)喷嘴 喷嘴 ? 所有气道须和料头 连 接,气道设计易 受限制 ? 不适用...

4.切断供应)的意外释放而立即产生,混合性硅甲烷也一样,但是于切断供应(shut-off)时,或该浓度超过标准时,则会形成不稳定的混合 …

5.开关压力 通径 Diameter 开关压力 Shut-off 流量误差 Flow Rate ...

6.关喷嘴模具流道系统的设计 降低开始到浇口前的速度 使用可关喷嘴(shut-off) 采取进料后座退的步骤 八 、气 泡 基 本 原 因 判 断 方 …


1.He opened the door from outside and went into the garden , then waited the door shut off.它从外面把门一打开,就走进花园,等着门自动关上。

2.As soon as he heard her coming out again, he shut off his mowing machine and went up to her.当他再次听见她出来的时候,他关掉除草机走到她的面前。

3.During those few days of late-night televised debates, I sensed a floodgate was being opened that would be very difficult to shut off.从几天午夜时分播出的电视辩论中,我感觉到他们打开了一道泄洪闸门,而这道门将很难关上。

4.When the wind is blowing, it is usually the cheapest peaking power available, so it keeps the natural gas plants shut off.当起风的时候,风力通常是最廉价的可用调峰能源,如此一来天然气发电厂就可以关闭。

5.It was the morning of Valentine's Day. I shut off the alarm and groped around in the dark until I found my glasses.那是情人节的早晨。闹钟一响,我赶紧按住,然后在黑暗中摸索着找到我的眼镜。

6.Returning home, I directed that the bed should be put in the front room and shut off with a screen.回家以后,我吩咐把床放到厅里,用屏风隔开。

7.Nearly all dealer vehicle financing would be shut off within a day or two by the banks and the finance companies.在一两天内,几乎所有承销商购进车辆的资金来源都会被银行和金融公司堵死。

8.I well know that it would be far easier to keep him for a significant role in the war if he could shut off his pubpc utterances.我深知,他如能停止其公开演讲,在战争中成为重要人物实属易事。

9.When you work shut out as much distractions as possible. Shut off the phone, internet and shut the door.当你工作时尽可能的避免那些分散注意力的事物。

10.If the flammable gas supply cannot be shut off, the continued escape of unburned gas can create an explosive mixture in the air.如果易燃气体供应无法切断,不断逸出的未燃气体会在空气中形成爆炸性混合物。