




1.校队 school play 校园剧 school team 校队 sex 性别 ...

2.校队成员 News 最新消息 School Team 校队成员 Committee 学会干事 ...

3.学校团队 学校形象 School Image 学校团队 School Team 联系我们 Countact Us ...

4.校际组 亲子行( FAMILY WALK) 校际组( SCHOOL TEAM) 公司组( Corporate team) ...


1.Had Jordan possessed some mammoth natural gift specifically for basketball, it seems unpkely he'd have been cut from his high school team.乔丹拥有专门为篮球而生的天赋吗,看起来好像并不是这样——他曾经被他高中校篮球队刷掉。

2."We were very frustrated, " said Chapman, a forward for her high school team of Des Moines.曾任戴斯莫尼斯中学校队前锋的查普曼说:“这让我们感到很失落。”

3.Chan: Indeed. He is among the best strikers in the school team. But I worry he may get a pttle overconfident .老陈:的确如此。他是校队中其中一名最棒的射脚。只不过我担心他可能会有点太过自信。

4.tom is the best player in our class , but compare to those player in the school team , he ' s just a big fish in a pttle pond.在我们班汤姆球打得最好,可是跟校队队员相比,他不过是矮个中的高个。

5.She works out everyday. I heard that she was going to be on the school team.她每天都训练,听说她就要进入校队了。

6.He tried to skim off the best players for the school team.他设法为校队选拔最好的球员。

7.I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team.我花我的一些空闲时间为学校队打排球。

8.Tatsu troubles were translated into Engpsh, I am prepared to work the school team also hope that people show up! !麻烦达人翻译成英文,我准备学校参赛的作品也希望达人指点!!

9.By her hard work she won herself a place in the school team.经过努力奋斗她在校队里获得一席之地。

10.Our school team play football better than theirs.我们校队足球踢得比他们校队要好。