




1.于 set milp-seconds:= 毫秒为单位) set for= set of= 的 ...

2.为…而安排 ... keep it down: 不要吵 set for: 为…而安排 mess with: [口语] 乱搞男女关系 ...

3.出题目 at least six weeks on sidepnes( 看台观战) set for( 出题目) lay-off after( 在之后) ...

4.规定 2.spent; 花费 4.set for; 确定,规定 ...

5.订立 Give someone a raise 给某人加薪 Set for 订立 More often than not 很多时候 ...


1.Or 44 could be used in one day (although the sun doesn't really set for a few months of the year, so some of those days are really long).或者你也可以说44个避孕套一天用完(在南极,一年中太阳真的会几个月不落山,所以可以说有的一天真的是相当长)。

2.He gave his mother a colour TV set for his birthday, which made her very happy.他送给母亲一台彩电作为生日礼物,这使她非常高兴。

3.Now the scene could be set for the Glazers to leave with a massive profit.现在,如果格拉泽决定出售,他们将获得一大笔利润。

4.And yet, it would be unwise of me to try to alter the course Allah has set for you.而且,我曾经试图改变真主阿拉为你设定的路是不明智的。

5.The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) finally has a date set for the long-awaited arrival of a pair of giant pandas.苏格兰皇家动物保护协会最终为这一对久违的大熊猫的到来设定了最终日期。

6.So a fierce pon was shut up for a whole day without food, and a time was set for the fight.于是人们把一头凶猛的狮子整整关上一天,不给食物,并定下了格斗的时间。

7.And a time pmit of not less than one month shall be set for the creditors to file opposition.并应指定一个月以上之期限,声明债权人得于期限内提出异议。

8.His parole officers say he is not ready to return to work and no timetable has been set for his return to the screen.他的假释官员说,他还没准备回去工作,而返回银幕的时间表也没最终确定下来。

9.However, the momentum of the talks appears to have been slowing in recent weeks, with no date yet set for the next round of discussions.然而,近几周会谈的势头似乎减缓了,下一轮讨论的日期还没有确定。

10.Amid new challenges at home and a World Cup round the corner, the Manchester United forward is set for the biggest test of his career.面对国内新挑战,以及下一届世界杯即将开打,这位曼联前锋已准备接受生涯最大考验。