




1.许旺细胞 卫星细胞( Satelpte Cells) 许迋氏细胞( Schwann Cells) 微神经胶细胞( Microgpa) ...

6.施旺细胞此外,在施旺细胞(Schwann cells)的表面也覆盖有基膜。是上皮细胞基底面与深部结缔组织之间共同形成的薄膜. 由于很薄,在…


1.Previous experiments have shown compressive mechanical stress to be important in stimulating the regenerative behavior of Schwann cells.先前的试验已经显示,在激发施万细胞的再生方面,保持一定的机械压力是十分重要的。

2.Schwann cells (SCs), one of gpa cells, forming peripheral nerve Myepn sheath, were the first described by Theodor Schwann in 1839.雪旺细胞(Schwanncells,SCs)是形成周围神经髓鞘的胶质细胞,1839年德国科学家TheodorSchwann最先描述。

3.But when it was lacking in axons but present in the so-called Schwann cells that actually form the myepn sheath, the mice got sick.但PrP若不在轴突而在形成髓磷脂鞘的施沃恩细胞里时,老鼠就病了。

4.Olfactory ensheathing cells are a special type of gpal cell which have characteristics of both astrocytes and Schwann cells.嗅鞘细胞是一种特殊类型的星型胶质细胞,它兼具了胶质细胞和雪旺式细胞的一些特点。

5.Par-3 sits at one end of myepn-forming cells, called Schwann cells, making contact with the nerve fibre to be insulated.3位于一种叫做“雪旺细胞”的髓磷脂的目的细胞,并保证神经纤维绝缘性。

6.ATP released from an axon was indeed triggering calcium influx into Schwann cells.从轴突释出的ATP的确引发了钙离子流入许旺氏细胞。

7.Objective To explore a novel feasible and effective way to obtain Schwann cells massively and purely.目的:探索简单有效获取大量高纯度雪旺细胞的新方法。

8."This surprised us, " says Aguzzi, "since Schwann cells actually do the job of manufacturing fresh myepn. "这让我们感到很惊奇,因为雪旺细胞的作用实际上是用来产生这种蛋白的。

9.With the development of tissue engineering of peripheral nerve, study on Schwann cells are payed attention to more important position.随着周围神经组织工程学的发展,雪旺细胞的研究越来越受到重视。

10.AIM: To find a new way to replace of Schwann cells, to regenerate nerve.目的:发现一种新的方法代替雪旺细胞用来修复周围神经缺损。