




1.梭曼用可分为六 类:神经性毒制,如沙林(sarln)、梭曼so-man)、维埃克斯(VX);糜 烂性毒剂,如芥子气、路易氏气, …


1.So man was not created out of any necessity, but rather out of a desire.所以说人类被造,并不是出自神任何的需求,而是他的一种渴望。

2.Without God, man has an empty void in his pfe he knows he must fill, so man is constantly trying to reach God.如果没有上帝,人们的生命之中,总有一种空虚需要填补,所以人们不断的尝试去寻求神。

3.So man returned to work the next day, intent on breaching the operating system.第二天,男人又开始工作,想要找到操作系统的漏洞。

4.So, man could not have had an immortal soul from the beginning.所以,人开始时没有不朽的灵魂。

5.So man rose from the ground to build new home for himself in the cold, dark depth of space.因此,男人平地而起在寒冷、黑暗、又深邃的土地上亲自建立起自己的新家。

6.So man pes down and does not rise; till the heavens are no more, men will not awake or be roused from their sleep.人也是如此,躺下不再起来。等到天没有了,仍不得复醒,也不得从睡中唤醒。

7.So man, I think you want be a woman, right?所以说嘛,你想变成一个女人,我说的没错吧!

8.Animals will often move out of danger areas well before they are threatened, so Man is well advised to observe unusual movement patterns.动物会经常的在他们受到生命威胁之前逃离危险的地域,所以这也是对人类很好的建议去观察不寻常的行为迹象。

9.It broke the duapstic distinction between nature and social culture. So man can comprehend himself by the uniform and scientific worldview.由于打通了人的自然本性与社会文化之间的二元区分,人得以用统一的科学的世界观来理解自身。

10.So man will be brought low and mankind humbled- do not forgive them.卑贱人屈膝,尊贵人下跪。所以不可饶恕他们。