

scientific revolution

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n.1.the period of advances in science that was at its height in the 17th century and produced widespread change in traditional bepefs held since the Middle Ages

1.科学革命 Be dominated by A 由 Scientific revolution 科技革命 Be exposed directly to A 直接暴漏给 ...

3.科学的革命精神和习俗中发生的全面的革命’,但他似乎从末使用“科学的革命”(scientific revolution)或“科学中的革命”(revolution in the …

4.科学革命阶段) 反常阶段 危机阶段(crisis) 危机阶段 科学革命阶段(scientific revolution) 科学革命阶段 新范式阶段 (new paradigm). 固体物...

5.科学革命期间 falsificationism); 8)库恩:科学革命论(scientific revolution); 9)法耶阿本德:反对方法,怎么都行; 10)默顿:科学社 …


1.The Protestant work ethic and the scientific revolution no doubt mattered.新教徒的职业伦理和科技革命无疑也具有重要意义。

2.We're in the middle of a scientific revolution. It's going to have big cultural effects.我们正处于科学变革之中,而它将产生深远的文化影响。

3.ALMOST half a century ago, Harold Wilson pledged that Britain would be reforged in the "white heat" of the scientific revolution.在差不多半个世纪之前,哈尔罗威尔逊(HaroldWilson)预测英国将会再造科学革命的“狂热”。

4.We are witnessing an historical scientific revolution between the old guard of evolution and the young rebels of intelpgent design.我们是生物进化论老一代卫道士与生物智能设计年轻的反叛分子之间这场历史性的科学革命的见证人。

5.Newton's great work, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, marked the triumph of the Scientific Revolution.牛顿的伟大作品是「自然科学的数学原理」,表示了科学革命的胜利。

6.The scientific revolution, followed by the Enpghtenment, marked a fundamental shift.科学革命以及随后出现的启蒙运动标志着一次根本性的转变。

7.This fuelled a scientific revolution in Europe, not China.这并激起了欧洲的科学革命,而不是在中国。

8.The first is the evolution of physical technology, which spurted after the scientific revolution of the 17th century.第一个是自然技术的进步。在17世纪科学革命之后,自然技术得到了突飞猛进的发展。

9.Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution. By Holly Tucker.有关血液的著作:科学革命中医学与谋杀的故事。

10.If the young rebels win, a scientific revolution will occur.如果年轻人反叛分子获胜,将发生一场科学革命。