




1.四,四倍 pyro- 火,热;焦,焦性 quadri-;quater- 四,四倍 quasi- 准,半,类似 ...


1.I called at a quater past nine and said I've done all I can, he said you win some you lose some i feel bad for you man.我呼吁在四过去九年,说我已经做了所有我能的,他说你赢了一些你失去了一些,我觉得你的男人的坏。

2.The earthquake killed close to a quater milpon people.那次破坏性的地震造成接近25万人死亡。

3.The regular meeting will take place the next quater, any questions?例会将在下季度续会,你们还有什么意见吗?

4.This quater alone, the company has already pulled in over 800 milpon dollars.仅是这一季,公司已经盈利超过8亿美元。

5.The England team hasnot got the quapfications to attend the next quater.英格兰队没有获得参加下一轮比赛的资格

6.Our projects will start near the 4th quater of this year.我们的项目会在第四个季度进行。

7.the market will be good next quater.我预测下个季度的市场走势会好。

8.Hayes is great but look another bad 1st quater.海耶斯看上去真棒,但是又是一个糟糕的第一节。

9.Q was in our quater when it's sping. Now Q changed his bicycle to 14'.这是在自己小区,还是春天的时候,锵现在已经换上14寸的自行车了。

10.MIZE is invested and managed directly by its head quater in Japan which has been developing in foreign countries for many years.公司由日本总公司直接投资管理,总公司在国外已有多年发展历史。