




1.海人 ... Iron Age I 前铁器时代 Judges,Sea People 士师,海上之民 Iron Age II 后铁器时代 ...

5.海洋人 •赛特尔( Satyr) •海洋人Sea People) •海蛇( Sea Serpent) ...

6.海民、诸侯等瓜分统治,期间被利比亚(Libyans)和海民Sea People)入侵,再被异族人苏丹(Sudan)北部的库须(Kush) …


1.She left the world of the Sea People in search of a human soul in one of Hans Christian Andersen s beloved fantasies.在安徒生的一个童话里,她离开了海底世界,想变成一个真正的人。安徒生的许多幻想故事都很受欢迎哩。

2.To ensure the safety of fishermen on the sea, people began to worship a new goddess.为出海的船工保平安,在人们所崇奉的神灵中,又增添了一位女神。

3.Underwater for sea! People base for a king! Kind! Things and mutual benefit! Wealth scattered party! Wealth scattered people gather!水底为海!人底为王!与人为善!处事互利!财聚人散!财散人聚!

4.We must note a very remarkable and curious nest of early sea people whose remains have been discovered in Crete .我们必须提到早期海民的一个非常惊人而又奇异的巢窟,它的遗迹是在克里特岛发现的。

5.Black sea, a lot of garbage floating on the sea, people are afraid to swim in the sea of.海水变黑,海面上漂浮着很多垃圾,人们都不敢下海游泳了。

6.All sea people have fish tails, not feet.海里的人都只有鱼尾巴而没有脚。

7.There is no heaven for sea people. Good humans can go to heaven.对海里的人而言,并没有天堂这回事,但是好心的人类就可以上天堂。

8.At sea, people hunt all kinds of fishes for money and some fishes disappear.在海洋里,人们为了商业利益捕捞各种鱼类,它们中也有许多种因此绝迹了。

9.When spring with her unique new green, as in diffuse to the sea, people can really memories;当春带着她特有的新绿,海一样地漫来时,真能让人心醉;