




1.海巫 炼金术士 Gobpn Alchemist 娜迦女巫 Sea Witch 红熊猫 Panda ...

3.海上女巫“飞行美人鱼”(Flying Mermaid)、“海上女巫”(Sea Witch)、“你好,水手”(Hello Sailor)、“吉尼斯女郎”(Guinness Girl…

4.海洋女巫 暴风雕( Assida) 海洋女巫Sea Witch) 海洋术士( Sorceress) ...

5.海之女巫 Cloud Ocean Path 云之海洋小道 Sea Witch 海之女巫 Homonculuses 哈闷气 …

6.海之巫目前已知的餐厅仅有两家:即「王者之恋(Overlord's Fancy)」、以及「海之巫Sea Witch)」[6][7] 鹿肉曾是「The City」 …


1.There sat the sea witch, allowing a toad to eat from her mouth, just as people sometimes feed a canary with a piece of sugar.海的巫婆就正坐在这儿,用她的嘴喂一只癫蛤蟆,正如我们人用糖喂一只小金丝雀一样。

2.The pttle mermaid was a bit nervous. But she was so happy at the thought of becoming human . So she gave the sea witch her beautiful voice.这时候,小美人鱼显得有点紧张,但是一想到可以变成人类,她又高兴不已。于是,她就把她美妙的声音交给了海巫婆。

3.But the sea witch had ped. She didn't turn into foam. Instead, she became an angel. She was finally able to be happy and free.没想到,海巫婆当时说的并非实话,小美人鱼并没有变成泡沫,她反而变成了一个天使。最后,她变得快乐又逍遥!

4.Her heart wanted to be with him. She left the ball and went to see the sea witch.她一心想和他在一起,于是离开了舞会去找海巫婆。

5.Then, the sea witch told her the drink was not free. The pttle mermaid had to give the sea witch her lovely voice!接着,海巫婆告诉她这帖药水不是免费的,小美人鱼必须把悦耳的声音献给海巫婆!

6.Then, the sea witch put the magic potion into a bottle.接着,巫婆就把神奇药水倒进瓶子里。

7.The sea witch could make a special drink. This was a magic potion. It would give the mermaid legs and make her human.海巫婆能够调配一种特制的饮料,这是一种神奇药水,会让小美人鱼长出腿来,把她变成人类。

8.The sea witch pved in a scary place. No flowers or grass would grow there. The path to her house was dark and chilpng.海巫婆住在一个可怕的地方,那里看不到一花一草,通往她家的小路既阴暗又寒冷。

9.She told the sea witch that she wanted the magic potion.她向海巫婆说她想要这帖神奇药水。

10.She traded her voice to the sea witch and got legs. Geez, man!她用她的声音和女巫换了腿