




1.卡特拉火山上旬冰岛埃亚菲亚德拉火山爆发时,专家便指出与其相距十七里的喀特拉火山Katla)已「喷浆待爆」,冰岛总理格林逊五 …



1.Previous eruptions of Eyjafjallajokull seem to have acted as harbingers of a subsequent Katla eruptions.亚菲亚德拉火山先前喷发似乎预示着随后Katla火山的喷发。

2.Scientists say history has proven that whenever the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupts, Katla always follows -- the only question is how soon.科学家说,历史已证实艾雅法拉火山不论何时爆发,卡特拉总会追随其后。目前唯一的问题就是,还有多久会爆发。

3.The historical record would be the only reason to suspect that, but right now I don't think there are signs of unrest at Katla.历史记录是这样猜测的唯一原因,但到现在为止,我不认为Katla有躁动的迹象。

4.That said, Katla does seem to erupt on a semi-regular basis, with typical periods between eruptions of between 30 and 80 years.那就是说,卡特拉正是在一个半正规的基础上喷发的,典型的周期是每次爆发之间相隔30到80年。

5.Meanwhile, bookies have slashed the odds on a second Icelandic volcano erupting this year following a flood of bets on active volcano Katla.在此同时,大批赌客下注押活火山卡特拉之后,博弈投注网站已将今年冰岛第二座火山喷发的赔率降低。

6.Icelandic geologists have long monitored Katla because an eruption might melt the ice and send floodwaters rushing into the valleys below.冰岛地质学家监测卡特拉火山的历史颇为久远,因为这座火山一旦喷发,就会融化冰原上的冰川,将洪水倾泻至下方的山谷之中。

7.A very large eruption, thought to be one of Katla's, left ash all across northern Europe about 10, 300 years ago.大约一万零三百年前的一个大规模的火山喷发,假设是卡特拉火山的一次喷发,留下的火山灰横跨北欧。

8.The potential eruption of Iceland's volcano Katla would pkely send the world, including the USA, into an extended deep freeze.冰岛Katla火山爆发的可能性将会致世界,包括美国,于持续漫长的寒冷中。

9.There is some evidence that the longer Katla waits before repeving itself, the more spectacular the results are.一些证据表明,卡塔拉火山熄灭的时间越长,下次喷发会更为剧烈。

10.A big eruption, thought to be one of Katla's, left ash all across northern Europe about 10, 300 years ago.约10300年前,一次大规模喷发(人们认为是Katla所为)导致尘埃覆盖整个北欧地区。