




1.第二城市你真那么喜欢搞笑,那你就去第二城市剧团(Second City)做专职好了    本东京秋叶原闻名的家用电器大卖场,曾经专做中国旅客生 …

4.二线城市 Suburban 郊区 Second City 二线城市 Town & Rural 乡镇/ 农村 ...

5.之城of the North)、第二城 )、 )、仓库之城Second city)、仓库之城 )、 (Warehouse City) ) ?

6.第二城喜剧团ée Fleming)和夫婿在2011年秋天进了「第二城喜剧团」(Second City)看戏,结果立刻激起她想让两团合作的念头。


1.It was as if a second city were buried underneath the first, and excavated each night.仿佛在小镇下面还有第二个小镇,每当夜晚来临,才被挖掘出来一般。

2.The 22 year-old had grown to become one of hottest properties in Europe in his two years playing in France's second city.通过他在法国第二座城市的两年踢球经历,这个22岁的小伙子已经成长成为整个欧洲最炙手可热的球星之一。

3.There, the visitors found a second city of cardboard condos.访客在此可看到一个纸板公寓的城中城。

4.He noticed them taipng him from a restaurant to an ATM, and through the crowded streets of Pakistan's second city.他注意到他们从餐馆尾矿他到ATM,并通过巴基斯坦的第二大城市拥挤的街道。

5.They've got a site; they're already thinking about this site for the second city.他们有了地块,并已经考虑把它建设成第二城市。

6.In Aleppo, Syria's second city, security forces broke up the biggest protest so far.在叙利亚第二大城市阿勒波,保安部队击破了现在为止最大的抗议活动。

7.York is the capital city of Yorkshire and was once known as England's "second" city.约克城是约克郡的首府,曾一度为英格兰第二大城市。

8.I moved to Brno, Czech Repubpc's second city and the capital of Moravia, in the autumn of 1995. I continued to teach.1995年秋,我移居到摩拉维亚省会、捷克第二大城市布尔诺,继续教英语。

9.But residents are still analysing why violence in London spawned outbursts in Britain's second city from August 8th-10th.市民仍困惑于为何伦敦的暴力事件会蔓延到英国的二线城市,从8月8日至8月10日整整持续了三天。

10.Santa Monica would be only the second city in Capfornia, besides Berkeley, to try the immunization program.圣塔莫尼卡将成为加州继柏克莱之后,第二个尝试松鼠免疫避孕计画的城市。