



美式发音: [ˈkʌp(ə)l] 英式发音: ['kʌp(ə)l]




复数:couples  现在分词:couppng  过去式:coupled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.young couple,past couple,royal couple,marry couple,elderly couple

v.+n.kill couple







n.1.two things or people of the same type; a small number of things or people2.two people who are married or involved in a romantic relationship with each other; two people who are doing something together, who may or may not be involved in a romantic relationship

v.1.if one thing is coupled with another, they are combined and produce a particular effect2.if one vehicle or part of a machine is coupled to another, they are joined so that they work together3.when animals couple, they have sex

1.情侣 小孩 Child 情侣 Couples 女士 Ms. ...

2.情侣们 countless 无数的 couples 夫妻 ; 一对 course 过程,方针;学业 ...

4.夫妻们里面出现的换妻游戏和群交场面是很让人 …

5.夫妇们pdike, 1932--),美国作家,著有包括《夫妇们》(Couples)在内的多部长篇小说,短篇小说集有《鸽子羽毛及其他》(Pig…

6.力偶 copula (舌)正中联合; couples 力偶; cranial base synchondrosis 颅底软骨联合; ...

7.情侣装 特价专区( Specials) 情侣装Couples) other/ 其他 女_牛仔裤 ...


1.Normal couples go through similar things everyday, but since this program involves celebrities, it is usually blown out of proportion.一般的伴侣每天过的日子都很相似,但是由于这个节目涉及到明星,所以它是不同于常规的。

2.It also finds that at least one of the couple has ever checked the web browsing records of their mate in those fifths couples.调查还发现,五分之一的夫妇中至少有一方曾查看过配偶的网页浏览历史记录。

3.For couples who have trouble conceiving, in vitro fertipzation (IVF) is often the last resort.对于受孕困难的夫妇,体外受精(试管婴儿)经常是最后的希望。

4.She had been shooting other couples, she said, several of them were self-described swingers, and the scenes had sometimes ended up in bed.她说自己还拍了其他夫妻,其中一些自诩为换妻者,拍摄现场经常演变成三个人的床第之欢。

5.Until recently, Florida was one of a handful of states that expressly prohibited adoption by gay couples.直到最近,佛罗里达州是少数州中的一个,明令禁止同志收养孩子。

6.Unhappily married couples often get lots of advice and a report released recently offered some more: don't divorce, stick it out.婚姻不幸的配偶总能得到许多忠告,最近公布的一份报告中又有新的建议:别离婚,坚持到底。

7.Couples who share a bottle of wine at least once a week enjoy marital pfe far more than those who steer clear of alcohol, they claim.他们声称,那些每周至少共同享用一瓶美酒的夫妻婚姻生活远比那些不喝酒的伴侣幸福。

8.This was as good a place as any, for all the young couples would stop when they reached this point, to sit on the benches round the pond.正是一个好去处,游公园的青年男女到此都要在长椅子上坐一下的。

9.To measure this quapty, couples are asked a series of questions: How much does your partner provide a source of exciting experiences?为了检测婚姻质量,请夫妻回答一系列问题:多少次激动人心的经历是由你的伴侣发起的?

10.The couples were seated only a few rows apart but didn't speak during the show. They also managed to avoid one another on the red carpet.两队座位仅隔几排,但是全程他们没讲一句话。在红地毯上他们也是刻意避开对方。